I was due a gym run on Thursday but I had a doctor's appointment so did the gym run on Friday instead. It was a straight 5k aiming for 30-31 minutes, and I came a few seconds under 30m by doing a sprint at the end. I was a little apprehensive doing parkrun the next day.
Got the phone and garmin set up with heart rate monitor, and I must say that the technology all worked, or it would have done if I could press the right buttons at the right time.
The run went well. Gremlins complained I was running too fast, too far, It was OK to stop, etc. At 2.5k I was well on target for 30 minutes, so the second lap I tried to just run a steady pace to stay on target. The 'hill' was waiting there to get me and the gremlins were telling me to walk it. I slowed down but carried on running. At the top I stayed slow to recover a bit, then at 4km I was still on target. A young lady went by and two teenage lads flew by. I tried to speed up a little to keep up with the lady and managed it, until 4.5 km when she went off after the lads. I couldn't do the run like the wind thing, so plodded on till the end was in sight, then tried to do a bit of a sprint finish and got in before a chap behind me who was desperate to beat me (we ran most of lap 2 together a few weeks ago and he cheekily sprinted in front of me that week). I forget my garmin and phone till I was sitting on the fence, feeling very ill, trying to get my breathing under control.
I walked back very slowly giving all the tail runners the thumbs up. I wanted to run alongside them to encourage them, but I wonder if they would take that badly?
Showered, weighed (lost 2 pounds this week) and waited for my results, which if I say so myself were much better than expected - 29:20 woo-hoo.