I felt so apprehensive I hardly slept a wink last night - not sure why?? was it the gremlins?? I remember one of you wonderful bloggers saying its all downhill from now so I just kept on smiling and kept on running - simple as that (I'll sleep tonight )
week 7 run1: I felt so apprehensive I hardly... - Couch to 5K
week 7 run1
You probably didn't sleep due to the excitement of a run the next day! Well done on getting that one finished. You're definitely on the home stretch now.
Oh yea and I can NOT stop eating so far today!!!!! Thankfully I am surrounded by fruit, salad avocado etc
Yay! Well done We'll see you on the horizon shortly We'll be ready with the virtual bunting when you graduate
Yay well done. That's excitement you're feeling, not just gremlins. You're mentally preparing yourself for each run now. But you don't need to. Distract yourself til you're actually out there running, and then your body will just know what to do. Good luck for the rest of week 7. I sometimes get the hungries after a run too. I think it's normal
Thanks Ruth
Woohoo! Well done you. I'll be doing the same run today - hope I don't run out of road to run on before I'm done....