Finished week 8 this morning and it felt great. I managed to run for 35mins but didn't quite get to 5k. Will have to try and run faster next week, pleased with my efforts today especially since my legs are still stiff from hiking up to Gaddings Dam on Saturday.
Week 8 complete.: Finished week 8 this morning... - Couch to 5K
Week 8 complete.

Don't force your pace! You'll end up injuring yourself. Just run naturally and comfortably. The pace will increase with time and training. You're doing well to run the 35 minutes.
When I finished week 8, I knew I could run for 30 minutes comfortably, so week 9 I just ran on until I completed 5k each run, without trying to force the pace. I managed run 1 in 35:21, run 2 in 33:58, and the graduation run in 33:41 (my best to date). I knew it would be some time before I could do a sub 30 5k, so I contented myself with the distance, not the time.

trying to run faster isn't necessary. Just complete week 9 comfortably, especially if your legs are still a bit stiff. You can learn to run faster after completing c25k. But if you do run a bit faster and finish, that's good too.
Just three runs to go now. Keep posting.

Well done SwimCat, Nearly there now!
You are only a few minutes off, but don't try and push yourself too hard, it is the 30 mins that matters not the distance. If you set off too fast you might struggle.
Suggest you just relax and enjoy it, because you know you can do it now. You might surprise yourself with the time too!!
Have fun in your graduation week!

Well done!! So close now! I wouldn't focus to much on speeding up just yet, 35 minutes running is really good! Just look at how far you've come in 8 weeks
Ah yes, Gaddings dam, I'm surprised you didn't put your towel down on the beach and have gentle trott down to the Top brink. For anybody who doesn't know, gadding is Britain's biggest inland beach, google it lol