I did it. Yippee. I'm so proud of myself. i was gonna repeat last run but decided to move forward. I'm glad I pushed myself. My right foot goes numb towards the last third of run. I've loosened laces several times. Any other suggestions?
W4R1: I did it. Yippee. I'm so proud of myself... - Couch to 5K

Congrats, I also just ran w4r1. This is the first run where I really felt a sense of achievement afterwards. I felt like I was really running (albeit very slowly).
I don't have any suggestions for your foot, sorry. Some of the experienced runners are sure to have some suggestion. Happy running

Well done. Week 4 is quite a step up.
It might be your shoes or running style that is the issue. How old are they. Are they proper running shoes. Do you slap your feet down hard when running?
Well done D2change. Keep it going!
With regards to your foot going numb, you need to get that checked out. Is it your whole foot just part of it and at what point does the numbness begin? Does it always happen after a certain distance or time?
There are a number of things to look at but first up - you need to check your running shoes. Have they been properly fitted in a specialist running shop? Are they too old? It would seem that if you need to adjust the laces then you could be using shoes that are not right for you and believe me, you do not want to injure yourself by doing that.
Secondly you need to check your running gait and beats per minute. Do you slap the ground hard while running? The general recommendation is more frequent, but shorter strides. The idea being that you 'glide' over the ground quietly and not hit it hard with each stride. These things are important because if your feet are being affected it is quite possible that so are your knees, hips and the rest of the body. You are also going to be wasting a lot of energy and working harder than you have to while running. It is better to be smooth and efficient!
Let me know how you get on!

Shoes were purchased at start of week 1 after gait analysis at Sport Spectrum. I'm gonna try loosening laces even more today. I've watched several jogging technique videos to make sure I have good form. My whole right foot goes numb. I think it swells more than left. We'll see after today's run.

I would definitely get your trainers checked out at a running shop. Generally when getting fitted for running, you would get your trainers slightly larger than you would at a normal shoe shop as your feet will swell when you run. You are just starting to get to the point where you are running distances enough for this to happen, so it might just be that your trainers are a smidge too small. Not enough for you to notice when not running, but just enough for your toe to hit the end once the have really warmed up. Any decent running shop will give you advice on the fit of your trainers without you having to buy a new pair.