Loyal fan of Laura here! I have no plan to deviate and I can even cope with the musak! I would like to track my runs for distance, pace, etc but there are so many to choose from. Which are recommended? Which are tried and tested by fellow c25k-ers?! Something simple, I'm not likely to use every bit of data, just something to add insight and keep using post Laura. I'm on week 7, no way will be at 5k by week 9 so that's partly what I'd like to start working to. Ta!
Running apps please ? : Loyal fan of Laura here... - Couch to 5K
Running apps please ?

I use Runkeeper, it's a free app and gives you a nice little map of where you have been, distance plus your split times for each kilometre etc. You can get it to tell you at regular intervals how far you have run, split pace / speed etc. You can see progress run by run as it gives basic comparative data. If you also use a step tracker it wil upload your actual distance into it. It is of course only as good as your GPS signal at the time. I confess I ditched Laura after week 5 because I found it added more value.

I use this too. Set it to get a signal whilst you are getting your shoes on or doing warm up. I've never had problems with the signal and I am in a rural area. Nice and simple and very motivational as you see your pace improving.
Thanks! Aaah...the rural area issue....signals are beyond crap here, but you never know. Defo looking in to this, ta
Runkeeper also , works pretty good mostly ,just odd days it does sync to the gps sat's live fairly rural also ..

As Coddfish says, a phone app is limited by the ability of your phone hardware, but even the dedicated running GPS watches are prone to occasional unreliable results. Runkeeper is user friendly, can be programmed with intervals. Endomondo does a better job of keeping track of your PBs. Strava gives you comparisons between yourself and other people running the same sections of your run. They all do a pretty good job and all have their limitations. Don't get hung up on the tech. The exercise is the most important part and it really does not matter how far or how fast you go, so long as you are out there. Good luck

Another vote for Runkeeper here. Simple and normally reliable.

Thanks guys, all good advice as always! I'll have a go on my Sunday run, then it's on to week 8 next week. Who wudda believed it?! Me, a runner happy running everyone

Hi Northern Spirit, I think the main thing is to find something and stick with it. They all have some issues, however, its easier to monitor progress if you have consistent data, even if it is not 100% accurate.
I use Garmin and it sometimes shows me running through gardens ;-), but I like the way Garmin Connect lets me keep track and compare myself to others. It also links up to Strava. However, it isn't free.
Regarding Laura, on my last run I used an mp3 with a one hour music mix at 160 bpm. It did help me to speed up a bit.
Good luck with whatever you use.

I like runkeeper too, I find the motivational emails it sends you after a run quite encouraging and its super easy to use.
I also like strava for the social aspect but I don't use the app, I use tapiriik.com/ to sync between strava/runkeeper/garmin connect. Generally though I use Runmeter which is more complicated with more stats etc but can upload to strava if you upgrade it to the elite version.
Motivational emails? I don't get those...

Thanks again all, will let you know which one I get on with like the idea of the emails they will keep me moving too!