I am not an early bird, i have always struggled with mornings! My partner got me out of bed and i went for a run with him. I really missed running outside and as my partner is actually in Chile this month - i thought i need to go with him early to avoid the heat. I felt better knowing that someone was running at the same time as me in the dark, we agreed a meeting place if we got split up. So i set off first and he waited and then he ran behind me.
After a gym session last night my legs said "come on gives us a break and you must be joking being up this early as well." I told the legs look we are only doing a gentle 5km and we have race coming up so we need to get moving.
I put on my yellow t-shirt, capris and did a quick edit of my playlist in the lift and off we went, all i can say is I love Colombian coffee, thank you Juan Valdez.
Everything was going great and i was on track to do 5km in sub 30minutes, when i got to the park (don't run in the park at that time) i saw a black lab. Ok where was its owner, no owner great. I have learnt not to move quickly past "wild" dogs as they can be unpredictable -but this one seemed to be heading in the opposite direction then it saw me. Came bounding over - oh no it has a very bad eye for dog and
for me. I don't want to get bitten especially by this dog as its not well and its getting too close for comfort- started saying NO! it didn't listen as i am backing away, trying not to fall down the steps - what do i do. What's help in spanish again - mind gone blank. Where are the security people when you need them? I don't fancy a trip to the hospital this morning. Finally, it gave up. I love dogs, but dogs here are a real problem (I won't get into details).
Great what is this going to do to my time? Got to 4km and realised if i pushed myself i could still make sub 30. I thought i have to give it ago....the final reading from Garmin is...28:49.
What i have learnt is early mornings are not as bad as i thought, i think doing some other exercises in the week pays off, cooler conditions are better to run in and having a running partner makes you feel safer when your running in the dark.