Morning all! Happy Potty here decided to try park run on my Saturday runs - today being my first 25 minute continuous run - walked the first 5mins with Laura to warm up then started my 'light jog' - it takes me more than 5mins to get into it - but started to feel good eventually - over the moon to finish my 25 mins - but didn't get to finish my warm down walk because one of the marshals and a lovely group of wk8 C25K-ers decided I didn't need to stop - to be honest I think were right - a few short recovery walks, but mostly running to the end! Feeling good!
Wk6 run3 AND first Park Run! :-): Morning all... - Couch to 5K
Wk6 run3 AND first Park Run! :-)

Well done Potty. Amazing what we can do with friends to encourage us
Well done Potty, sounds like a really good run Congratulations on your 1st Parkrun !

Another first time parkrunner! There seem to be lots on here today. Congratulations. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a great feeling when you finish, isn't it. I bet you are now planning how you can rejig next Saturday's activities to fit another parkrun in.
Thank you and yes, definitely planning to go again next week There were about half a dozen first timers on our PR Saturday - some clearly 'new' runners (times like mine) and some clearly not - guess anybody starting C25K as a new year project is coming up to graduation.
The marshal and week 8 era were right. You are capable of more than you think. Well done !

Yay...well done you..let the polishing of the badge begin😀😀
super well done Potty parkrun is just such a great thing

Happy Potty I think it's quite something for folks to do a parkrun before they graduate so really well done to you. You sound more than capable and I'm sure you'll be doing a lot more!
Thanks Irish Princess I wanted to see what 5k felt like, for sure, and thought it would keep me focused over weeks 7, 8. & 9. I must admit that I'm going to rejig my plan for next week so that I do my warm up before the run so that If I finish my week 7 run 3 and still feel up to it, I can see if I can do the full 5K, or as much of it as I can

Well done Potty, brave you!!!
I have been volunteering at my local Parkrun, but haven't plucked up the courage yet to join in. I will hopefully do my first Parkrun next week as my Week 9 run 3.
Thanks OG, (couldn't bring myself to address you as old git!) you're graduating next week! How exciting! Good luck and have fun A big thank you for having been volunteering too - I'd never seen a PR before yesterday and was so impressed with and grateful for what the volunteers make happen