Standing in a deserted park in the pouring rain feeling very happy - just ran for 30 minutes!!
Wk9 R1: Standing in a deserted park in the... - Couch to 5K
Wk9 R1
Well done, that's fantastic! I've just completed W8 r3 this morning and I feel the same way, it's incredible! Enjoy the rest of week 9 and I'll look out for your graduation post - brilliant!
Well done, Parky! It is incredible. I feel like a different person lol. Good luck with Week 9
How great - just two more runs to graduation! I look forward to your post - make it special.
Thanks Ully!
Well done! Wont be long before your standing in a park full of people in the driving snow. It kind of gets you like that...
Hope so! I did a snowy run earlier in the programme. Felt a bit mad at the time. Now seems perfectly sensible - I think it might have got me already!
Definitely mad! Tremendously well done. Too much excitement for us all these last 2 weeks. If the running doesn't kill us, the smiling will.
Congratulations! Bet the smile is fixed on your face all day.
Good for you! Well done. So, how did that feel then? On a scale of 1 to 10?
Did you jump up and down, sing, dance, punch the air, do a little dance on the spot. What? Come on, this stuff is important!
It's getting close now Glud! Two more runs!!! Two. Flippin eck
Pom poms and cheer leaders to your positions please. Where's Slookie when you need her? We need the podium polished toot suite!
Ha ha, thanks Miss W! I have to be honest, I don't think I have ever punched the air in public, but perhaps there's a first time for everything, and perhaps that time is fast approaching...
Well done, only 2 more to graduation!
Fabulous well done! Two more to go 😃
Whoop whoop well done! Nearly there x
What an amazing feeling! Enjoy it and feel proud. Running for 30 minutes continuously is a big milestone for any runner.
Very well done that's awesome! You're so close now....I'm catching up slowly, on week 7, so keep posting your success. Enjoy a well deserved Friday night
héhéhé WK9
It is wonderful isnt it ?
C25K brings about such a transformation in ability, confidence and expectation. You did all that Laura asked of you, and now you're a fully fledged runner, able to run for 30 mins without stopping. It is amazing, it's wonderful, and you have every right to wear the biggest grin that anyone has ever seen
Great! Almost there
Oh the joys of rain! Only a runner would understand! Well done you, nearly there...
Well done Gludwig not long now