Since I started running in Sept 2014 I have never run with anyone else and have essentially just been putting one foot in front of another. Whilst this technique works fine for a lot of people, I thought I would look a bit deeper into running style in order to try and continue running injury free and perhaps improve my distance/pace for the same amount of effort.
When researching running style, its not long before you come across Chi Running which was originally developed by a guy called Danny Dreyer. So today I attended a seminar (10:00 - 3:30) with one of their coaches (via Blue Sky Running) to learn all about the Chi running style. Essentially, Chi running is about energy efficiency, injury prevention through posture, alignment and leaning.
There were 4 of us on the seminar and the day consisted of lots of static, walking and running exercises. We were all filmed so that our running style could be analysed in slow motion. The video showed that I swing my arm too far forward and I ran at a slight angle (bent at my waist)!!
There was a lot to take in and advice was given to focus on one element at a time. We were all given written notes to take away which detailed the main elements. Drinks and lunch was provided as well We can also attend the same seminar again in the future at no cost as a refresher if required.
I can totally accept that a lot of people are happy to do their own thing or pick up hints and tips from the internet. But personally, I found the day very rewarding and found the one to one feedback from the instructor very beneficial. Its was also great being with other people on the seminar as I could learn from them and watch their style.
Went for a 5k on my way home... equalled my current slowish 5k... so all not lost...
EDIT - Just got an email from the instructor with a copy of my running video (something to scare the kids with) and a full critique of my running style. She also supplied a number of hints, tips and exercises to hopefully fix the things she highlighted. Doh... homework