Hair today, gone tomorrow: It was dark yesterday... - Couch to 5K

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Hair today, gone tomorrow

37 Replies

It was dark yesterday morning...very dark and as I stumbled around the bedroom, trying my best not to disturb the Mrs too much,I reached into the wardrobe and pulled out my hat and gloves.Being some what lacking in the hair-on-the-head department [why does it grow elsewhere but fall out there?], I need something to shield me agin the cold winter hail and wind.

Imagine my surprise when I parked the car, the warmth of the interior embracing my trembling body, when I unrolled my towel and my hat wasn't it's stead was a....wig...a ladies bob wig that was bought may moons ago for a party. What should I do? Turn around and change it? Not wear anything on my head?....or....or....wear it.

Yep, you've guessed it, I opted for wearing it. There was no way I could get back and swap it in time. I needed something on my head, and this was all that was available.

Slipping it on, and checking my appearance in the mirror :~), I stumbled out of the car and trotted off on my 6.4k. All was fine, and I soon became accustomed to the way the hair swished and swooshed round my neck.

All was fine...until...until I was nearly back at the car, and at which point I had completely forgotten that it wasn't a hat I was wearing. Then the dog walker came along. Oh yes, it was someone I knew, and whom I hadn't seen for a little while, so a chat was called for. Slowing down and walking up to them, I sensed a different attitude or approach from them. I put it down to the earliness of the hour. 'Morning ,' I said, rather exuberantly, and with the words not quite coming out properly due to a very cold face. In fact I may have sounded slightly tipsy, in hind-sight.

'Err, morning; Nick?', they said, rather formally.

'Great day, and no snow yet. How's the dog?' I crouched down and tousled the top of her head.

'Err, no. No snow yet.' A took a very small, but notable step back. 'Look, NIck; we've known each other for a good while...but why haven't you told me about this before?'

Rather puzzled, I asked him what he was on about....and that was when to looked straight at my head.

'Oh, bugger.' Looking back at it now, I may have chosen a better word in the circumstances.

I explained; we laughed; and I will never, never, NEVER again fail to get my kit ready the night before.

37 Replies
aliboo70 profile image

Thats brought a big smile to my face!! :) it must be one of the funniest tales ive ever read on here! You showed true runners spirit , and the need for a cosy head outweighed the wig wearing negatives! Excellent, but what a S*D that you ran into your friend! Thats a great tale, and a run to remember! :)

in reply to aliboo70

Normally, I have the route myself except for the sheep, ponies and occasional Highland Cattle ~ which for Dartmoor is strange!

Hahaha! I did something similar when I took my buff off the washing rack and stuffed it in my pocket only to find it was actually a pair of tights...that's what comes of being obsessed with purple...BUT - where are the photos SC?

in reply to

NO PHOTOS, please, well, OK, maybe just the one *posing* Isn't that Diana used to say.

Sorry to disappoint(?), but there are none. Thank God...just imagine the sight...take the cap off my pic, replace it with a brunette bob wig and add a rather grey beard - winter plumage - in need of trimming, and you get the [unpleasant] pic.

I love the idea of the tights.....or were you planing a bank job on the way home?

in reply to

They were thick woolly tights, just the sort of thing a clutz like me would cover her face with for a bank job!

in reply to

Ahhh, what schoolboys, who didn't know why it was 'funny', used to call passion killers.

Purple, there's a thought.

mags555 profile image

Awesome! I can just picture it...

in reply to mags555

Thankfully there were no cameras.

useitorloseit profile image

Ha ha that's got to be Post of the Year, and it's only January. We're all going to have to go some to beat that!

in reply to useitorloseit

It's good to laugh...even if I am the object....

Normally I would have had a Buff in the car I could have used, but Izzie, God bless her paws, had decided it would be good to play with and it had been washed.

Fantastic....just fantastic .... Bet you looked gorgeous ! Happy running !

in reply to

Hmmm, gorgeous. I need to look that word up, as my understanding of it must be wrong!

Grey beard and brunette wig....I can feel an audition for Eurovision coming on.

Doodle1 profile image

That's so funny. Any pics???

in reply to Doodle1


in reply to Doodle1

OK, well there is one...just one...taken when I got back home and got the bike out...

OK, it's not me...but I could have looked like it :~)

misswobble profile image

Ha ha. Bet you'll be the talk of the village by tonight! LOL

I would have put it on too. I can't be having no ear coverings.

Curly! Ha ha, tee hee. Sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh. Snort!

in reply to misswobble

Hopefully they have something better to talk about ~ hopefully! As long as there is no hair-of-the-dog jokes, or people don't skirt the issue....

misswobble profile image

Tee hee

Tomas profile image

LOL, love the story. Thanks for sharing, Nick.

in reply to Tomas

You're welcome. Hopefully there won't be a next time!

Planning, that's what I need

Zev1963 profile image

hahahahaha that's great, thanks for sharing that :D

AncientMum profile image

Hahahahah :D :D :D

That is, without a doubt, the funniest thing I have read on this forum :D

I've got a George Michael, Wham-era wig that I am almost tempted to wear for my run tomorrow in homage to your post!

in reply to

Go on ~dare you! Although, we would need proof. You know, pics!

Ullyrunner profile image

I really think that we need a photo - even if you didn't take one at the time you could do a reenactment!

in reply to Ullyrunner

Hmmm, not sure my camera would take that!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Nick.......I mean Sally......or do I? You have made quite a lot of "confessions" on this forum and I am beginning to paint a picture of you, without any judgement, that is difficult to avoid. Pink sports bra, skirt and now a ladies bobbed wig. Is there something you want to say to us?

Keep running, keep smiling.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

Damn, found out!!

If in any doubt...look at me pic above. Taken on a stunning walk with me wife and son on Snowdon. Gloriously sunny day.

Alas, nothing to say...I'm quite boring really, but life is FUN.

I had Testicular Cancer [the same that carried my dad off ] a while ago, so I am determined to enjoy life to the full, and if that means I sometimes do 'silly' things then, I jolly well will. I shall thumb my nose at convention, but the wig was a total accident.

poppypug profile image

Oh he chops down trees, he wears high heels , suspendees and a bra , I wish I was a girly, just like my dear Papa :-)

Nowt wrong in getting in touch with your feminine side, whatever flops ya mop !

Oh I bet the net curtains were twitching round your way Nick ha ha :-D xxx

How dare you! I don't have any suspenders!!!

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to

...yet :D

in reply to Anniemurph


poppypug profile image

Tights are much better in the cold weather , I know some bus drivers wear them under their trousers in winter ...

Nowt wrong with that :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

Too true. If it keeps you warm...

Anniemurph profile image

Fantastic story - thanks for posting! You've made my morning :)

Lavender1962 profile image

What a great post! I was laughing out loud as I read. Thanks for the morning chuckle. :-) The best one I've read for sure.

MarlyParly profile image

Ha ha ha!!! Best post ever!!! And what a star you are for doing that! The run at any cost, well done sir! X

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