I haven't posted for a while as I have had a few health issues, couldn't eat more than a few mouthfuls at a time, lost a lot of weight and just stopped running one day. I truly feared I might never start again. I became really depressed and couldn't even bring myself to look at the Health Unlocked posts. However, treatment for a severe helicobacter infection and deployment to the Southern hemisphere have made me a changed woman and today I did Week one Run one along a beach in the Coromandel in NZ and didn't even notice any other runners giving me funny looks. So I'm back! I plan to take it nice and gently and do the whole 9 weeks again with no short cuts as for the first time I am beginning to feel my age and realise I may have limitations. Nice to be back with you though. Hope to post some lovely sunny running photos to make you UK winter sufferers jealous .
Back to the beginning: I haven't posted for a... - Couch to 5K
Back to the beginning

Hey, TT, so good to hear from you again. I was wondering what you were up to. So sorry to hear you've been ill, but good to know you're on the mend now and feel strong enough to start the programme again. Yep, it's miserable and cold here at the moment, so a few photos of sunny beaches will go down a treat. Enjoy getting reconnected with Laura and keep sharing your progress. Take care

Have missed you TT Sounds like you have had rubbish time Hopefully 2015 will be kinder to you . Good plan to start c25k at beg again and we'll all be jealous of sunshine. Have you moved to NZ permanently? Good luck and keep reading/ posting oh here for support Good luck

Sounds like you've had a rough 6 months or so (if I remember rightly you got pneumonia in the summer and missed the Great North Run?) Glad to hear you're finally back! Can't wait to see all your NZ pictures, 5 weeks time I'll be out there too enjoying my honeymoon, I can't wait! Happy running TT!

In the Coramandel hey???? That must be tough!!
Great to hear from you again - and look forward to some pics of your runs . Take it easy!!

Looking forward to seeing some lovely photos. Great to hear your back again, I am so pleased for you. Happy running.

Welcome back turnturtle. It sounds as if you've been through it, but you're out the other side now. I bet that first run back felt brilliant!
I look forward to reading your posts and seeing pictures of that big yellow thing, what is it? Oh yes, the sun.

Hi there. Great to see you back again. I expect with all that lovely coastline to jog that you will soon be feeling back to your old self

Glad you are back and running TT, I hope your health is now on the up and continues that way. x

Hi TT and welcome back from me too. I think it's brilliant that your oomph has returned and that you feel that you want to run again.
And no, not at all envious of your beach, well perhaps a bit lol (a lot!)
Happy New Year!

Welcome back!Sounds like you deserve a bit of sunshine so I promise I won't be jealous!Take care of yourself and don't rush things...it will be nice to see the sun even if it is only a piccie!

Lovely to hear from you again TT. So sorry you have been going through a tough time - glad to hear you are getting back to the running. Send us those piccies soon to make us jealous
Nice to see you back, sounds lovely over there so pictures would be great! sounds like you've had it tough, its great that you are back on track

Good luck - I have recently re-done the programme and got back to a Parkrun on New Year's day. It's worth it - but you know that already. Very envious of a Coromandel beach. I hope to back there this time next year. Glad you are feeling better. Linda

Sorry to hear how poorly you have been and pleased to hear that your back up and running. Look after yourself and happy running!

Awh bless you!!! So glad you are back on the mend. Us oldies take longer to recover don't we. In our heads we are fine but our bodies just take a bit longer to get back to full health. Take care and all the best for 2015.

Hello, TT! Sorry that you've been so out of kilter but glad that you feel spurred on to redo C25K. I had to repeat it this year too; some things are sent to try us!! Enjoy it and looking forward to seeing your fab photos!

Welcome back, TT, and I hope that 2015 is a much better year for you. So sorry you've been ill but all the very best for your recovery and your new start with C25K. The great thing is you know you can do it And what a lovely place to re-do it, in the sunlight!

Welcome back and good luck with your restart of the program.
Not envious of your beaches at all. Just had my first session of nordic skiing today and I love it. Give me some more snow!!!!
Happy running

So sorry I didn't repy to all your lovely messages but I have been in the darkest recesses of NZ and without internet access. I am really touched by your support and thank you so much. I am plodding on, repeating week one due to an excess of Hawkes Bay wine and an overly ambitious 25 minutes on the hills of Waiheke Island which reduced my calves and joints to pulp (don't all say 'Poor You" at once) Still on track though,
despite a renewed onslaught of family/friend deterrance ploys "But running is BAD for you!' 'You're damaging your joints' 'Why not Just walk?' Ha. Because I'm a contrary old woman, that's why...