on Saturday! There, now I HAVE to do it! I don't want to be last bloke again, so I'm going to run faster!
I'm going to do my second ParkRun: on Saturday... - Couch to 5K
I'm going to do my second ParkRun

I've signed up for our local one in readiness for graduation, so now I have to go too! I may do W9R3 there if I can get it to coincide with a Saturday
Great, Ali! When do you think you'll be doing it? I'll get the banners and balloons out ready for your graduation celebration!
I don't know yet John. I'd like it to be on the 17th but I'm still down and out with my poorly achilles, which is much better already but am still hobbling on it Still, gives you time to order the extra noisy party stuff cheaper from Hong Kong, lol!
Lol! You think I'm cheap? I was going to get the Red Arrows to do a fly-by! With pink smoke, 'cause you're a girlie!
Nope, I was just thinking of everybody's post-Christmas wallets, lol! The pink arrows would be good though - they'll match my new kit!!

Just as an experiment -- try running Parkrun at a run/walk ratio of 4/1 or 5/1 and see whether you beat you last time?? if you do ( and you probably will) , you then have a target to aim for when running non-stop. If you can run a certain pace, using run/walk , then you "should" be able to achieve that same pace eventually running non-stop.
I have run a 14K race using 2/1 run/walk at a pace of 7:30 min per K -- BUT at this time, although I can run 10K non-stop, it is actually at a slower pace than that. So I have 10 weeks to get my non-stop pace for the 10K up to what I can do run/walk!! -- OR I could just run the race using a run/walk strategy!!

Good for you John, nothing like a public announcement to make sure you go. As for finishing time/place, see if you can learn anything from your last time, e.g. did you set off too fast and run out of steam at the end? Otherwise though, the main thing is really just to enjoy it
Haha! Yes, Lizziebeth, it has a psychological aspect to it, rather like announcing to the world that you're giving up smoking - you look such a prat if you start again! Last ParkRun was my first, I didn't know the procedure or the course, and now I'm better armed to beat my last time. Er, enjoy? I'm sure that'll come, but at the moment it's hard work, and the only enjoyment is from finishing!
haha well done John good for you
I will be at mine sat morning as usual now

That's good to hear, Rob! I hope it's dry for us both, I'm not keen on slippy-underneath!

brill...well done you, enjoy it!

Does your Parkrun have a tail runner? A good way to build confidence is to volunteer for this role (then you are obliged to be last!), it gives you a chance to learn the route and to see who else is around.