Fat to fit .....a long way to go.: Hi Completely... - Couch to 5K

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Fat to fit .....a long way to go.

fattofitkelly profile image
22 Replies


Completely new to this running . Been for a walk for the past two day. Logged yesterday's distance of 3.75km (map my walk app). Found this and thought I would give it a try.

At 14 stone and turning 40 at end of September, I am determined to shift the junk in my trunk. Already cut down on drinking. Eating less is proving the most difficult challenge. I am a stress eater. Hoping to swap food addiction for running . Expectations are high give the long road ahead. But I am refuse to be fat at 40. Profile picture shows me as I ammat the start of this journey. This picture, named bingo wings was the finale straw in my obesity denial.

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fattofitkelly profile image
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22 Replies
Girlyswot profile image

Welcome to Couch to 5 k ! Good luck with it and trust the programme, it;s really good (I'm on week 9 and hadn't done any running for years). Keep us posted with your progress ! x

Miles_Yonder profile image

Hi Kelly; welcome to the forum,and to C25K. You've made a great choice; it really, really works, as so many people here will confirm. As Kitty has said, just follow C25K and you'll be fine, though may well find yourself with a running addiction....!

It'll take a while to adapt and get used to the changes, in both the exercise and the food, but honestly, stick with it and you'll be glad you did. It won't be easy, but that makes it all the more rewarding when it all comes together.

Good luck, and keep posting with your progress. Nice pic, BTW! :-)

Nouschka profile image

Welcome to the programme, Kelly. Just get started and trust the app and you'll achieve your goals, Would love to read here about your progress. A very nice pic indeed.

Ullyrunner profile image

Welcome Kelly - great decision! This programme can change your life. Take it slow and steady and come back here for encouragement and the occasional kick up the bum, if needed.

AllieG profile image

Ah you look gorgeous anyway. But I've always said it's not how you look it's how you feel. For me it's not the extra poundage that bothers me but the tight clothes and out-of-breathness, and general lack of confidence. I've done week one and really enjoyed it, and felt loads better almost immediately (then Christmas and mince pies and ice-cream got in the way

Hi and welcome kelly :) just taking those 1st steps can be the hardest thing but once you start you will be amazed at what you can achieve :) this is a life changer :D :D

Just follow what laura says she got me and everyone else through the program , the mantra here is always slow and steady then slower still if needs be to complete the timed runs , you can and will do it :D :D

good luck kelly and yup there are right you do look gorgeous :D :D

danzargo profile image

Congratulations on taking on this superb program. It really does work too, so you're on the right road already. You look totally amazing in your pic and you'll look even amazing'er (??) once you've done your 9 weeks running program.

I was unhappy with excess poundage exactly this time last year. I'd graduated in June 2013 but decided to actually get rid off the excess after Xmas last year. With running, cutting out booze (for January only!) and using MyFitnessPal in conjunction with only healthy home cooked food I lost the weight pretty quickly.

So keep us updated with your progress - so that we can give you the odd kick of encouragement!!! In the nicest possible way of course......

5kOrBust profile image

Welcome Kelly! This will be the best decision you ever made. Just listen to Laura, and do exactly as she says. Don't try to do too much too soon. I've just started week 5 and sometimes it feels like I'll never get there, but I listen to Laura and get astonishing encouragement from the lovely people on this site and somehow I always manage :) Good luck, Steve x (P.S., prepare to be addicted!)

C25K sounds just the thing ! You can swap your stress eating for a stress busting run...it really does work. Good luck and, as others have said, let us know how you get on.

Irishprincess profile image

Hello Kelly and welcome. This programme will definitely change your life and you will probably become as addicted as the rest of us! Take each week slowly at your own pace and repeat runs/weeks if you have to.

Keep posting and tell us how you're getting on and use this forum for support and encouragement if you need that too. All the best and enjoy the most life affirming transformation - from a non-runner to a runner!

useitorloseit profile image

Addiction is definitely the word for it! You won't believe it! Just make sure you take it slowly so you don't hurt your joints and get put off. Better to take a couple of extra days between runs than to have to give up because you did too much too soon. So take it slowly and join the rest of us addicts! You will be amazed at how much better you will feel. Stress? What's that?

AndyD profile image

Welcome to the mad house Kelly... cant add much else, but please keep coming back to us with your progress and any questions you may have :-)

poppypug profile image

Welcome Kelly ! You have definitely come to the right place . This programme WORKS , we are all living proof of that .

Just wanted to wish you all the very best, trust in Laura, keep calm, deep breaths, slow and steady is the way.

Keep posting of your progress, it really helps you to keep focused and motivated . Someone is always here to offer support, advice , encouragement and even a kick up the bum ( if you ever need one :-))

Enjoy it ! :-) xxx

rmnsuk profile image

I've just started c25k too. I hope that it works as well as people say it does. I've just finished week 2, and I'm just as enthused as when I started. good luck

marpick profile image

Wow you look fantastic! Welcome, you're in the right place and to paraphrase someone more famous....... One small step for man (woman:-) .......etc.... You've made that step now and look firmly to your end date and your goals, this site is a brilliant place for help, motivation & inspiration.

You can, and will do it.

As everyone has said already, the programme really does work. None of could/can believe we're runners but we are and you will be soon too. Follow the programme and believe in Laura, and keep us posted. We all got loads of support here, and still do, it's a grand place to start your journey. Best of luck

g1ggles profile image

You can do it Kelly. Trust the programme it works. I was 15st 9 lb when I started now I can run 7km and my weight is 14st 2lb. Let us know how you get on. Good luck.

arracka profile image

Well done for joining the c25k program. Sounds like you are well on your way to a new fit and healthy you. I also turn 40 in September. I joined this program six weeks ago- will do my first W7 run on Thursday. As others have said, it is a great program. I ran 25mins today while six weeks ago I struggled with one. Just follow the program and you'll get there. Good luck!

lucieiecul profile image

Hello Kelly! So excited for you. Before starting the programme I was desperate to feel the freedom of running and could barely manage a minute-long interval without feeling completely worn out, but once the first couple of weeks are out of the way you will begin to feel totally liberated and the improvements are plain to see. I only wish I'd joined this forum earlier because I'm just beginning week 9 and could have done with some support in the weeks leading up to this point. Having said that, I've loved every minute of the programme and can't wait to book my first 5k sponsored run! There's always time in the day for a C25K run which is why I've felt so enthused - I've lost patience with lengthy workouts at the gym. Best of luck to you! My advice: make a great playlist on iTunes/soundcloud and always listen to Laura! This has been a lifechanging couple of months for me and I want to shout about this programme to everyone I meet because the buzz I get from it is unreal!

Enjoy! It will get hard at times, but you will be astounded by your own body and how much you can do if you set your mind to it! Yippeeeeee 💪😃

Anaverageman profile image

good luck.. just finsihing wk 3 here, onto wk 4.. trust the programme! ( is what everyone says)

TheHistoricalPresent profile image

Welcome Kelly! I'm in week 5 right now. Run SLOWLY but keep running (sometimes I am running at walking pace!). Obey the rest days, sometimes extra rest day boost performance like crazy. I have a feeling you are going to do GREAT.

amyukulele profile image

Well done, Kelly! I'm on my third attempt at Couch to 5K, and sticking with it this time! 18 months ago I was 16 and a half stone, and really not ready to become a runner.

So I started with changing my eating habits, with a low carb, high fat diet (it's actually loads of vegetables, no processed foods, and way healthier than I was eating before, on the standard western high carb diet).

Your post made me want to share what's worked for me, because I was also a stress-eating food addict, and "just eat less" was never going to work for me. But low carbing really does. I'd be happy to share some helpful links if you're interested in more info.

Now that I'm 4 stone lighter, I can stick with running this time, and I'm really enjoying it.

Best of luck to you!

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