Oh it's been a cruel blow to be struck down in my prime by the jealous gods who were clearly envious of my winged graduation sandals.... Oh alright never mind the flowery imagery I graduated on Wednesday and by Friday had succumbed to a virus, which stopped me running and made me feel pretty grumpy not to be able to run. So what to do in enforced confinement:
1. Friday: Buy and devour not one but 2 running magazines. (It's all I could keep down in any case
2. Saturday: Need an illicit 40 minute outing to a sports shop. Purchase a new item of running clothing (Nike all-in-one skirt+capri to defend the modesty of the wobbly bits now the trusty M&S joggers have all but fallen apart.) Return to bed to read more running magazine. Interval training consisting of read, sleep, read, sleep.
3. Sunday: Wear new item of clothing plus all running gear just to walk 3K slowly around local park. Important message to self: am Runner not Sick Person (even though body thinks otherwise) It's amazing how this simple act of defiance was instrumental in getting virus to give up trying.
4. Tuesday: Back to park, about 3K worth of 2 minute running, 1 minute walking interval training for a grand total of 21 minutes.
Oh, it feels good to be back!
To everyone else who has been sick, injured, or otherwise frustrated in their running plans this week - good luck for getting back on track!