So, it's been an amazing experience for me, my last run of week 9 went for 35 minutes, covering 5.2 km. I feel great, I should have written this last night, but my parents are visiting here in Istanbul, and didn't have time. When I started this running plan 9 weeks ago, I was 103 kg, now I am 90 kg, still need to lose 3 more kilos, but I'm in good shape, and I am aware of what I'm eating now. I used to smoke water pipe for some time a couple of years ago, but that's become history now for me.
I truly didn't have faith in myself, I'm too busy to do anything other than translation, reading, and family, but running changed my whole life, it brought me closer to myself, raised my awareness of the person I want to be 10 years later, better for myself, my kids in the future, and the people I love the most.
I am truly thankful for all of you guys, I don't think I would have made it without your support, advice, and cheers. I might seem over happy, but I know the best what a loser I was in terms of weight, shape, fitness, and diet, and this change, although very small compared to the achievements of others, is a remarkable thing in my life. I don't remember I was this happy when I got my M.A degree
I can't stop thanking you guys, Laura, NHS, and all those who worked to make this program available for other people around the globe, regardless of the their race, colour, or religion.
I am a graduate now, I want my badge please.
Merry Christmas people, and Happy Holidays for each and everyone of you,