Was up and at em 1st thing pre breakfast run, read somewhere it teaches your body to burn body fat and not just carb's , mob phone check, runkeeper check
off we go ...
Just a nice little run out and back , there was me thinking I am running slow and easy but them Runkeeper says average pace 6.12 ,what? eh? are you sure? sure enough next time same again 6.10 , made an effort to slow it down but that didnt work next check in from runkeeper you have covered 3.17 km average pace 6.......... then nothing .
Bliddy typical mob went and died on me as i was working out i was on for my fastest time yet for 5k .
I still cannot work out as i was trying to run slower yet seem to maintain what i consider a fast pace ??
I just carried on running back to my start point and did my 5 min cool down walk.
Whilst it is good to know all these stats it is also good not to know and just enjoy the run
happy running weekend everyone