Have been feeling a bit fed up - two weeks away on hols , followed by 2 weeks of extreme hot weather PLUS a head cold means very littel running/exercise and I have become a bit like a caged lion with a sore head!! . I've even taken up drinking at night again - to assuage the pain!!!
But, I am now keen (although still very "snotty" ) to get up before dawn tomorrow and try to get back to normal. Before I went on hols, I was experimenting with running by HR. Now, I am intending to do a 16 week programme which requires me to run by pace -- but I have awful trouble trying to guestimate pace while running. So for this week, starting out slowly - I am going to run on a flat track for about 4 laps (1mile) each day - after a good warmup of another mile - at different Heart rate averages - 130 tomorrow, 135, 140, 145, and 150 ( which I think will well and truly max me out and I don't know if I can run a mile at that HR). Runkeeper will log my pace for these runs. Then I will/should be able to run at a certain pace by looking at my HR - or so the theory goes ( not taking into account, of course, temperature or hills!!)
Then, I "should" be ready to start the next programme.
BTW - It is my experience that Runkeeper is quite good at calculating "average" pace across a run - but I don't believe what it tells me regarding "current" pace.