I honestly can't believe I completed it!
I didn't do a single minute of exercise between school, and being 32. I've always suffered bad blood pressure, it's hereditary. I've always been told not to go running by my GP as it'd be too strenuous on my heart. In August I got a new GP who recommended C25k as it was gradual.
I graduated last week, and this is what it has done to my blood pressure:
It took me about 15 weeks to complete, as I really got stuck on weeks 3 & 6. I just didn't feel confident with the longer runs. I did a few 'extended' runs when I was feeling confident by just rewinding / restarting the postcast (not sticking to the programme I know)
I HATED running, TBH I hated exercise, but running has to be the worst type.
(I only got a tracking app in Week 2)
W2 R1 Ex - 5.02 Km(7.1Km/h)
W2 R2 - 4.02Km (6.8Km/h)
W2 R3 Ex - 5.41Km (7.1Km/h)
W3 R1 - 3.47 Km (7.2Km/h)
W3 R2 - 3.30Km (7.2Km/h)
W2 R4 Ext - 3.55 Km (5.7Km/h)
W3 R4 - 3.43Km (7.1 Km/h)
W3 R5 -3.49Km (7.0Km/h)
W3 R6 - 2.96Km (6.6Km/h)
W2 R5 (ext) 8.44Km 7.2Km/h)
W3 R7 3.39Km (7.0 Km/h)
W3 R8 - 3.0Km (5.7Km/h)
W3 R9 - 3.34Km (6.9Km/h)
W3 R10 - 3.35Km (7.0Km/h)
W4 R1 - 4.26Km (7.0Km/h)
W4 R2 (ext) - 5.16 Km (6.7Km/h)
W4 R3 - 4.21Km (7.4Km/h)
W2 R1 (w/Wife) - 4.25Km (6.2Km/h)
SRC W2 - 3.24Km (5.8Km/h)
W5 R1 - Ext - 8.86Km (7.0Km/h)
W5 R2 - 4.43Km (6.7Km/h)
W5 R3 - 4.74Km (7.2Km/h)
SRC Week 3 - 3.24Km (5.8Km/h)
W6 R1 - 4.90Km (7.0Km/h)
W6 R2 - 4.587Km (7.2Km/h)
W6 R3 Ext, - 6.60Km ( 7.5Km/h)
W6 R4 Ext, 7.96Km (7.3 Km/h)
W6 R5 6.18Km ( 7.2Km/h)
W6 R6 (ext.) (7.6Km/h)
W7 R1 - 5.04 (7.8Km/h)
W7 R2 - 5.63Km (7.5Km/h)
W7 R3 - 4.92Km (7/8Km/h)
W8 R1 - 5.25Km (7.4Km/h)
W8 R2 - 5.19Km ( 7.8 Km/h)
W8 R3 - 5.23Km ( 7.8Km/h)
W9 R1 - 5.58Km (7.7Km/h)
W9 R2 - 5.13 (7.5Km/h)
W9 R3 - 6.11 (8.2Km/h)
Imagine my surprise when I looked down after finishing my graduation run and seeing that I'd ran exactly 200Km since starting! I'd have been knackered driving 200Km a few months ago!
I know C25k isn't a weight loss thing, but I've def shaped up in the last couple of months: (I've not done any other exercise, or improved my terrible diet)
I just really want to encourage anyone who is still on the journey to keep going. Trust in it, it really works. My BP and weight have improved, but the biggest difference is to how I FEEL. I've go so much more energy, and people even say I'm a lot more positive in my attitude now too!
Now, where do I order this graduation T-Shirt from...