Week 3 Smashed!: Can't honestly believe it but I... - Couch to 5K

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Week 3 Smashed!

21 Replies

Can't honestly believe it but I have just finished week 3!

I could barely manage week 1 and yet here I am! After finding W3R1 and 2 so tough that I found it hard to breathe, I really didn't believe I was going to manage R3.

I'd made myself so nervous before starting that I thought I was going to be sick just doing the warm up walk, but I made it and even had energy to do a wee victory dance :-P

My message to myself is to keep going through it because I have just proven I can do more than I think I'm capable of. Though when I don't have the motivation I just read this forum and I'm instantly uplifted- so glad for Laura and the C25K programme :-)

21 Replies

Well done and thank you for posting about feeling so nervous about week 3 as that's exactly how I'm feeling about it. I'm also excited to be moving on too and raring to get down to the park and get going tomorrow but there's still the little voice inside me that keeps saying "but I've only run for 90 seconds before, how will I be able to keep it up for twice that time?"

in reply to

Be kind to yourself and that wee voice in your head, I always imagine talking to my doubts as I would my friends. I Tell her it's okay to feel nervous but that i know she can do it. Listen to your body because it sounds like you're enjoying it and are up for the challenge- you will feel so proud of yourself for overcoming your nerves :-)

I'm definitely nervous for W4 but excited too! Let me know how it goes :-) xxx

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

Beg.2 run. This is an excellent way to do, talking to the little frightened voice. You can do it, as your body says it. That's the most important for a physical effort.

And if by chanve, you feel you have to ease up a bit, there's no shame to this, because oyoua re still running.

Best wishes for future runs which will be just as exciting.

Barbarajs profile image

Brilliant. Well done you. Week 4 here you go. I was super nervous about week 4 but I managed run 1 this morning and felt so chuffed I almost did a dance!! Go you :))

Barbara xx

in reply to Barbarajs

I literally just read your lovely post about week 4 and found it so inspiring. I don't know about you, but I've always had a really horrible self attitude about me 'getting fit'. I think I'm learning to overcome that and have surprised myself that running can be fun :-) xxx

Ps. Your running route sounds lovely with the ducks :-)

Barbarajs profile image
BarbarajsGraduate in reply to

Oh yes. I have always said you'd never get me in a gym and I always thought people running looked so uncomfy. Now that's me!! And you :)

And it's not uncomfy. It's fab.

So pleased you're enjoying it. Keep posting won't you..it's lovely to see people at the same level and what everyone achieves.

Oh yes I see ducks,cows,sheep,herons,baby goats today and geese. Tis indeed a very pretty run along the tow path. I vary it too...sometimes back the same way or across to a trail which used to be a railway line many many years ago. Lots of horse riders,cyclists and dog walkers. Lovely but peaceful if very muddy :)

Barbara xx

in reply to Barbarajs

It is fab! I felt so envious watching people running as I used to always be running as a child and somehow I had lost that spirit and now I want it back :-P

The tow path sounds beautiful, reminds me of a book I love and very jealous of the other wildlife too, what a lovely way to run. Hopefully it doesn't get too muddy and slippy for running.

At the moment I'm on my cross trainer because I have an old back injury that I didn't want to hurt, especially as it has been so long since I've properly exercised. But I'm feeling a lot stronger and now my body is becoming used to the strain I am feeling outdoors beckoning! Not sure if I fancy running in the city though...

Wish me luck on my first W4 run and hope your R2 goes well too. Xxx

Barbarajs profile image
BarbarajsGraduate in reply to

Wishing you loads of luck. Not sure when you're doing it or have I missed it? I did R2 today with my friend who missed the weekend and she managed it too.

Don't blame you not wanting to aggravate your back. I'd be the same. Yes I'm lucky with the route I do. Plus it's flat.....which for where I live is very rare!!! Must try a hill one day. I was reading the Parkrun site and my local one is the hilliest and toughest in this country apparently. Arghhhhh. Think I'll pass on that then :)

Speak soon

Barbara xx

in reply to Barbarajs

Hi Barbara,

I did the first run yesterday and have to admit that I'm feeling it a bit today but in a good way. Hopefully a walk will loosen me off again!

How did you find run 2? The parkrun sounds like a challenging one, I'm sure you'd do better than you think you might :-) I've not read about parkruns, though I suppose making sure my back is up to proper running is the way to go first!

I don't have long to wait to test that, as I'm going to stay with my family at Christmas and will not only be running outside but also up a hill (no option about that as the house is in a shallow valley). I am looking forward to testing my mettle and also looking at the cows and stunning views- hopefully they will distract me from the incline :-P

Good luck on Run 3 :-) can't wait to hear about it xxx

Barbarajs profile image
BarbarajsGraduate in reply to


My legs feel it but once I get going on my dog walks I'll be fine again. Looking forward to getting R3 done. I find the last few minutes tough but yesterday was easier on me than Sunday I think.

Sounds like that hill will be a Christmas Challenge. There is a local fun run here on the 27th. 5km. Might do that if I feel up to it. Already doing one on Dec 7th for charity. That's flat thank goodness and on grass...which I'm not used to!!

Good luck with R3 xx

in reply to Barbarajs

Wow :-) so impressed that you're doing two runs already, that's amazing!

I'm only on R2 as I do Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays :-)

It will be a Christmas challenge indeed trying to slope off without people noticing my hideous running gear! My leggings are not a thing of beauty :-P

Grass sounds like it might be good for helping absorb shock though :-) sounds like it'll be great fun, looking forward to hearing how they go


Barbarajs profile image
BarbarajsGraduate in reply to

Don't know. Might end up walking them both!! That's why I decided fun runs were the way forward. Don't fancy the uber competitive ParkRuns with club runners completing in sub 17 minutes. Arghhhhh. I'll be a whole day behind!!!

Keep posting

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

Beginning2run, You are learning a fundamental lesson about attitude! You are not as bad as you think. In fact, you are much better, as you prove it to yourself!

zeidan profile image

That's amazing, good luck. Actually, I didn't believe I was unable to run for one minute until I started to run, I though I am fine, and I can go run easily, but I was at first shocked! I couldn't even run one full minute!!

I feel great now being in week 4.

Great job, keep it up :)

pot58 profile image

I finished week 3 yesterday...great feeling...we will graduate at the same time all things being equal!!

helingmic profile image

Beginning2run I am too a beginner.I have lung problems and feared to get hopelessly short of breath and imagined myself collapsing and having to be taken by ambulance to the nearest A and E! Well I started it and thought if it's too difficult I shall ease a bit. But my body told me a different story. As I was ridniig the static bike at the gym, I was chatting to a district nurse next to me. (Chatting was something I'd not be able to do last year while in motion!) I suddenly realised that I had done my five minutes warm up. So time to get faster. I climbed the speed gradually, but did it! Yes, I felt the breathing getting shorter, counted: 2 minutes 2.30. 3 minutes! Oh I'd done it!

Yes, I was a bit short, but the recovery time allowed me, well, to recover. And there I was doing it again! So it went for the whole session. The heart rate disappeared off the screen, but I thought "That's because I don't really need to know or get frightened about it". Finishing the session the heart rate cam back on 129, Wow! And it soon went down during the recovery time, And I felt good.

I tell you I am in week 5, with all the 5 minutes. First day, and I've done it, easying it a bit because of my cold. But did it in the right time! I'm pleased. You're pleased, Well done. Body over the frightened mind! Well done!

in reply to helingmic

You are so right helingmic! I don't know about you, but now that I'm teaching my mind that its doubts aren't always justified, I'm wondering what else I can do that my mind has said I can't :-) congratulations for getting to Week 5 I hope it goes really well

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

Wel,l done! I found I "couldn't do it " properly today. The music at the gym was too loud, I was coughing and had to go and spit it out in the loo. Eventually, I went on some other equipment. I tried to beat this cold, but today, my mind has taken over and body has accepted!!! There's another day tomorrow!

in reply to helingmic

I'm sorry to hear about the gym. Though when you're not feeling right I don't think it counts as your mind winning :-) get a good rest and you'll be grand :-)

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

Today was much better. I did 30 minutes and 2.80 miles. I took it easy to do this, but felt OK. I just tell my cold to go away. the antibiotics and garlic are at work. Garlic has a splendid taste. Easy to chop with a sharp knife. I've got one fantastic little one, it's a Rikoh Kuhn From Switzerland

here's the reference:


they are really sharp.

Mel7667 profile image

Well done .. i did wk4 r1 this am .you can so do this .. i have found i manage better when i listen to music as i run x

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