These past 2 weeks, i've been suffering from what i have christened "SLOE" syndrome, (Severe-Lack-Of-Enthusiasm!) what with a change of job and routine(working most of the weekend nowadays) , i've been feeling a bit stressed, in between feeling lazy and a bit out of sorts in general, and a bit of niggly tickly throat etc Plus feeling distinctly pudgier than previously as have been over-indulging on the treat front
Outwardly you probably couldn't tell, but my psoriasis had flared a bit, feel washed out and my motivation has retreated somewhat (although not 100%, just less than before!) But its alot more than i was doing this time last year i guess!
I HAD been going out 3 times a week, the last 2 weeks i've missed running club on a Tuesday, but doing Parkrun and a thursday run, and the rain has been depressing me too. But i knew last night i really should go out, planned for Boz to come with me and a seafront run, but he said the spray was washing over the road on his way home and so that probably wasn't the best idea oh well still should go, but someone else was feeling a bit rubbish and opted to walk George instead! So just up to town and back for me, usually 3.3k. Rain was at bay, so set off with music (invented an extra tab of velcro quickly to stop my phone jumping out of gilet pocket like last week!) a rockmyrun"Fit to fight" mix which i thought was appropriate! Not feeling very athletic but made it to the half way point, YAY! wind would be behind me now!
the 2nd half always seems to pass much more quickly but i wasn't feeling very confident, what would boost me that i still really COULD still do this? I know! run a little longer and go up the footpath with that steepish slope and 100% make it to the top, that WOULD be a good effort! Past the end of my road, the hilly slope ahead, who should i spot, George dog and Boz! George spotted me and wagged happily, i ran up to Boz shouting"need to borrow the dog, must get to top of hill!" and grabbed the lead as i went past! George was a little suprised, "Wow this is a great game, and i ran and he played chase with the dangly bit of lead! Soon we were there, turned around and jogged slower back down, expecting to see Boz any moment! But he'd gone back home! so we ran back to the house to find him already installed on sofa! (i did have headphones in so probably didn't hear what he said!)
Anyway, my 3.3k had turned into a 4.09k, and i was sweating well so must have worked fairly hard! so this has restored my confidence a little that my running is still alive and well, just taking a little rest period at times!
Going to try to go along the cycle track after work tomorrow, as starting work at 9am so will miss Parkrun, but got an early finish.
And have booked another 10k, not til June next year, the Womens Running 10k series i
in Southampton(as posted by another c25k-er last week- thankyou! , was £20 to enter and get shirt, medal and goodie bag. Think will need to book something else that is nearer too, so i have something to aim for to keep me motivated!
Posted a lovely pick of George taken in August to remind us that Summer WILL come back eventually(got winter weather blues!) Saying that, the sun has just come out here, and Friday is my new official day-off-cos-i'm-working-all-weekend day! So after my lazy start and big breakfast, its shower and walk time, and possibly swimming this pm(for 2nd time in years!) Going to reinstate my "One-Card" at leisure centre, not the gym option as to expensive but the swimming /sauna /badminton /aquafit option!
Still got errands to do and a commission for some restaurant table numbers to finish! but for a few hours at least i can do as i please! Happy running weekend everyone and keep on going!