Long time no see - I've developed a paramedic ... - Couch to 5K

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Long time no see - I've developed a paramedic addiction

spoonierunning profile image
23 Replies

So I've been poorly. Really poorly complete with trip in an ambulance to medical assessment (a bit like A&E but with a gp referral) and we had to call out 999 again and had rapid response out to me.

We still don't actaully know what's wrong. It could 'just' be a lower respiratory tract infection with complications of scaring from childhood asthma. Could be my asthma has returned. Could be Costochondritis. Or could be my heart.

I've been poked, prodded, x-rayed (twice) and I am still waiting for an echocardiogram :(

But I was given the go ahead to keep running - provided I felt ok. Well I haven't, it's hurt to beath, I've had asthma like attacks and well I've just been poorly.

But today was the day. I've not run in over a month in fact my last run was a 5k on the 20 September. But today I did it I got out there. I hated nearly every minute. I couldn't run non stop, I had to bargain with myself - next bend and you can walk, get up to the bridge and you can walk, make it to the lock.... make it to the fish pass ... make it to the bridge.

But I did it I travelled 5.5k it doesn't matter that I had to walk, as friend pointed out I've been really poorly and I should be proud I got back out there. Now there might have been the 'odd' noise that i thought was coots but couldn't work it out because I couldn't see any (turns out the squeaking noise was me breathing) and I might have started coughing when I got home (but it didn't turn into an asthma like attack hurrah) and my ribs on my right side hurt but you know what I'm going to go out there again and keep at it, while I can breath I can run. I will re find the love.

And I'm not worried about the tests and possibility there could be something wrong with my heart - the doctors all along have said that's it's very unlikely and every ecg I've had has been fine they just want to check all possibilities. Oh and my blood pressure was text book - omg I am amazed as for years it was high not dangerous and didn't need medication but it was high (esp given it was always low) so yet another positive side effect of this running malarkey.

So really those of you on the injury couch wondering if you will ever be able to get back out there and worried that you have lost all your fitness - you won't have have and you can and will get back out there again.

And sometimes I need to remember that I am disabled, I have multiple chronic health conditions and I need to not beat myself up too much that I struggled on a run (esp when I've just had over a month out).

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spoonierunning profile image
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23 Replies
Irishprincess profile image

Oh Spoonie what a fantastic post. You are an inspiration for us all. I love your words "while I can breathe I can run". That should be the tag line for the C25K programme.

You have been so brave managing your health issues and what a fabulous return! That's brilliant! You should feel very proud of that run.

Welcome back, keep posting and I'll be thinking of you all day.

useitorloseit profile image

I was wondering how you were getting on as we haven't seen you here for a while. You have been in the wars, haven't you! And I think you are a crazy mad lady - all that illness and then you don't go out for a little 10 minute jog, you do 5.5k! Please be careful and don't make yourself ill again. I've been doing my share of hospital emergency assessment wards ... in fact lots of wards ... with my dad over the last few weeks. The NHS works at a snail's pace, but I wouldn't be without them. Nurses are angels :)

Dear spoonierunning, this sounded like a real love story and is support for everybody in the same moment ;-)

Lavender1962 profile image

Welcome back Spoonie. It's too bad that you've been feeling poorly. You're awesome for getting back out there. That's pretty far for after a break. Take care.

Zev1963 profile image

Well done for getting back out there, that realy is inspirational. I hope its all improvement from now on

Slookie profile image

Blimey Spoonie, that all sounds scary and must have got the anxiety levels up. Hope a diagnosis can be found cos at least then you know what you are dealing with, but meanwhile how fantastic you are back on the road. No beating yourself up - you sound amazingly determined despite the odds and make me feel a bit pathetic when I find it tough just cos there is an 'r' in the month or summink equally random.

GettingFitter profile image

Welcome back Spoonie. We've missed you and now we know why. Inspirational post - inspirational spoonie. Look after yourself. So glad you made the move to get back out there despite all the health issues. Hope you get a diagnosis soon. Virtual hugs for you ({})

ju-ju- profile image

Oh my goodness you poor thing... That's really really tough... And blimey well done you for actually getting out there again. Sending a huge get well soon hug xxx

misswobble profile image

Welcome back Spoons! Glad to hear from you again and that you are still running despite your recent hiccups.

What a gal!

AncientMum profile image

Yay Spoonie, your back!! :) :) :)

So sorry to hear you've been having so many problems but it's just like you to fight 'em all the way. Fingers crossed you get good news from all your tests and bl**dy well done for getting out there and smacking out 5.5k. Who cares if it was run/walk or even walk/run. If it's good enough for Geoff Galloway then who is anyone to judge.

Chin up Sweetie, you can't keep a good c25k girl (and her battle dog) down. Happy running and happy recovering :)

tanyag_163 profile image

So sorry to hear you are unwell. Mega kudos to you for getting out there. That sounded like a great run all things considered. Be kind to yourself and let us know how you get on x

notbad profile image

Oh Spoonie, I wish there was a hug button at times like this, wishing you better very soon. x

poppypug profile image

Oh Spoonie, you have had it so rough, take care and I hope you feel better soon. Big hug for you and a tickle for Ferd. Well done for getting out there, you are an amazing lady and a true inspiration xxx

folkieboater profile image

Good to see you back Spoonie. Enjoy your running, but don't overdo it. Take care of yourself , hugs to you and Ferd. xx

Fitfor60 profile image

Ah spoonie you have been a bit more than poorly lately havnt you ! But oh my goodness you just kept going on that run wow wow wow All credit to your great attitude. Hope they can get things sorted out for you soon Another hug on way

frannyfran profile image

Spoonie so glad you're back. We've all missed you.

Hope you keep improving and get back to "normal".

Well done on your run... at least you didn't have to cope with snow (we do here!)

Virtual hugs to you and Ferd. Happy running!

GoogleMe profile image

Wow.... was just thinking of dropping you a line.... hate to ask but is it the job your body can't cope with? It is really, really hard to accept being able to run but not able to work, I know.

pinkangel16 profile image

Gee whiz, what a lot to be dealing with.

I'm glad to hear you were able to get back out on the road - and that was a great run too, well done you.

Now take it steady, big hugs :-) xx

Pollynorris profile image

Spoonie, you are amazing! That run must have been so hard and the draw of the couch so strong. I'll think of you whenever I have the should I give it a miss today feeling.

Welcome back, you ate an inspiration to us all!

Theziggy profile image

Hey - you're out there doing it. I think that if you slow it down a bit you'll begin to enjoy it.

A (quick runner) at my local ParkRun told me one week that he had taken it a bit easier (still quicker than me) and he was amazed at the beautiful scenery that he never had seen before (we're fortunate to run in the grounds of a Stately Home - Castle Coole Enniskillen nationaltrust.org.uk/castle...

Burgdude profile image

Welcome back Spoonie. Good for you getting out there again! Hang in there lady. Thinking of you!

Spoonierunning, what a story, what a run and what a positive attitude! Thank you so much for this post.

Runon profile image

Well done getting back into it Spoonie - you are brave, inspirational adn a Real Runner. Well done - positive thinking is definitely the best medicine. :)

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