I started running two months and loving it.....but last Friday went for a run (trail) with hubby and after a short distance felt a big twang at back of leg which abruptly stopped me in my tracks and initially could not bear weight on that foot. After a piggy back and car ride to nearest hospital I was eventually examined by a nurse practioner who on advice plastered my lower leg in toe flex position....am now awaiting a phone call from hospital so I can have further assessment and scan whenever that maybe.....meanwhile I'm sat here (dying to get out for a run) with no definitive results and getting more frustrated. Am just wondering if anyone else has suffered similar injury and what they were actually diagnosed, I know it can be dangerous asking for 'medical' opinions but if it is a tear to Achilles what is the general prognosis? TIA for any comments x
Any advice/opinions please: I started running... - Couch to 5K
Any advice/opinions please

sounds like more than a tear could be a snapped achiles. but as you say wait for the proper diagnosis. take care though.

Thank you ...I know but I'm just so impatient and frustrated : (

Ouch!! So sorry you're in pain. Hope it's not too serious!
Thank you ....it aches alot , but I guess I have to learn patience Hmmmm!! Did speak to nurse today am going to be in plaster for a while and my appointment to see consultant isn't until Nov 3rd ho hum.....so fingers crossed x

Hmm. You did this when you were out running with your husband. Maybe you were trying too hard and going too fast for yourself
Did you warm up in the usual way? All these sorts of questions you can address and maybe change things so you don't hurt yourself again
Other exercises will help your running so give those a whirl as it all helps toughen us to support our running. Cycling, walking, swimming, dance, aerobics, gym, exercise DVD's etc. It's all good
I hope you'll be better soon and back out there enjoying your running. Take care!
Hi thank you for your comments and support....I think I was just unlucky...I did come down hard on a big stone which was partially covered by autumnal leaves and that's when it twanged. Have to remain in plaster now until my appointment on 3rd November ......very frustrating x