I've felt a little unfocused since graduating - I've been consolidating my 30 mins - and joined a club but last week couldn't go because of work - and then yesterday I missed a run because well there were 42 mph winds and I was worried about getting blown out to sea and never heard of again. And I was about to start c25k plus but my last run on Friday I found really difficult. Now this is in spite of the fact that in my one run with the club so far I ran farther and faster than ever with hill training to boot. But since then on my own I've never been able to match anything like that. So I set out this morning with light winds and moderate rain (which I quite like actually) and a new playlist and map-my-run and then everything went wrong... and right! MMR played up and even my own inflated ego would not believe that I had run the first kilometre in 2mins 5 secs - in short MMR had a nervous breakdown and lost the plot, having me run across water it seems - so I ran (or according to MMR swam) on and on - fortunately I'd set my stopwatch timer thingy. Thing was I felt absolutely tip top like I could run forever and thought well I'll just play on until MMR says I've done 5K or simply blows up. But I did notice that I seemed to be running beyond my past markers. Turns out, when I measured my run back home on the map (using roads) that I'd actually run 6K in 36mins 26secs. So today I have run substantially longer and further, on my own, than ever before and felt (though I wouldn't like to put it to the test) that I could have gone on quite a lot farther and probably faster! My last kilometer certainly was faster because I'd been overtaken by a runner (yes overtaken) and I felt obliged for forms sake to then keep up. So I finally feel like I have broken out of the '30 mins and no more' zone which I'd fallen into. Now I need a plan...
Walking (well running actually) on Water - Couch to 5K
Walking (well running actually) on Water

Excellent! Great distance AND great speed. It does indeed sound like you've broken out of that zone.

Aw Runon, bless ya little cotton socks ! See , I always knew you were very special Grasshopper , and this proves it , walking on water - its a miracle ha ha
Hey , looks like you needed your flippers and snorkel for this one
6k in 36 minutes is tip top form , Excellent stuff !
Have you had a look to see if theres any races/runs coming up in your area in the not so distant /distant future ? If so, get yourself entered in 'em and then you can download one of the all singing all dancing training plans from Bupa or Ascics , they're very good . Plus , it gives you the motivation to get out there and you've got a goal to aim for , see jobsa good 'un .
Fab post as always, youre always guaranteed to raise a smile and a titter xxx
Thanks Poppykins. You are a wonderful support as always - and I don't mean like a support bandage thingy but an uplifting type of moral support
I shall take a look at the training plans - there's a 5 & 10 K coming up in mid November in a local park - not a Park Run though - think I may take a looksie but I have discovered that there is a Park Run every Sat about 8 miles away so I think I shall start with that in a couple of weeks. Right Ho - now Jeeves has polished the flippers I shall try the walking on water again
Oh yes ! Ah is it the Mo- Vember runs that are coming up ?
Great idea with the Park Run, yes its a big fat yes from me xxx
Thank you - I like a big fat YES. XXX
PS Mo-vember - erm not sure - I cannot run with a moustache - t'will slow me down - wind resistance etc. on the other hand it never slowed down all those Spitfire Pilots!

Well done. MMR did this to me and it turned out I had it set to the treadmill setting. Might be worth a check.

My Garmin often has me crashing through buildings like Super Mario, technology is fun sometimes. Well done on breaking that barrier, and walking on water.
You have to go really fast not to sink in the water. I have a Garmin on the motorbike that likes to take me down one way streets the wrong way. I hope you are insured - these building can be really expensive to repair Yes that barrier was becoming a bit of a erm... barrier - I'd love to know what I did differently today that made it all go so perfect but I can't for the life of me think of anything I did differently except have an extra day off
Conjures up visions of you gliding along! Your extra rest day may well have done the trick, a personal trainer I know extolls the virtues of rest days and recovery - something I often neglect myself, so there's a lesson for us all.
T'is a while since I have glided It's all so unpredictable this running lark - a couple of weeks ago I had an extra day's rest and it made not one jot of difference, in fact I remember my calves feeling really heavy like they had never run before - I had to tell them off in public. Maybe it's hydration levels or it really is the alignment of planets. Perhaps I shall become a Sports Clairvoyant when I grow up

Impressive , 6k and walking on water ;0). Well done Runon....keep it going
Of the two I think the 6K would have seemed the bigger miracle 3 months back! Are you knitting running hats?

Oh Runon , I wonder if we ask nicely, if RK can knit us moustaches for Mo- Vember ? What d'ya reckon ? xxx
Ah Poppy - a hat will keep us much warmer than a moustache - obviously I have a lot of hair but prefer to keep it short (very very short on top in fact - like the Willis chap) and would like a hat but it is obvious that RK is more interested in running and finds it difficult to run and knit at the same time - imagine long swathes of wool trailing for miles behind RK and you have the idea - it is a health & safety disaster area - not that I have much respect for H&S but I would see their point here - people tripping up in the middle of the road, traffic wardens becoming entangled and unable to issue parking tickets etc. terrible thought XXX