Woohooo I am cleared to run
Chest is still perfectly clear, blood pressure is perfect, echo referral has been sent off. Doctor said its highly unlikely there is anything wrong with my heart cause I can run. She agrees with me its inflammation of the ribs causing me pain, have been signed off for another 7 days. But she said I had, had flu! Whatever the virus was they all agree it was nasty.
So orders are still resting at the mo and I have to be guided by my body when I pick exercise back up. I think I've gotten off really lightly if they all agree infection was nasty and possibly flu - obviously all this exercise and immune system boosting stuff I have been doing is working - go veggies (and smoothies that Mr Mouse thinks are weird cause I add porridge oats).
When I am better I will book a non urgent appointment with my normal doctor and discuss me doing a half marathon - I don't think there will be a problem beyond slowly slowly and maybe buying shares in kinesio tape.
Yes you read that right I want to do a half marathon and raise money for M.E. I know that a full marathon would be a step too far but I think a half is achievable and I want to be able to do something positivite, I also want other sick people to be encouraged that while running is not achievable for all I firmly believe there is an activity for everyone and if that activity is just a couple of minutes gentle stretching a day then that's better than just sitting on your arse and you are doing so much more positive to help your body.
Right back to my resting - I have all the fast and furious movies to get through