Invasion of the Seaside 10K...: I may have... - Couch to 5K

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Invasion of the Seaside 10K...

Runon profile image
26 Replies

I may have overdone it just a teensie weensie bit last wednesday - and for some reason developed really bad stomach cramps on Friday which I've never had before and thought I might be pregnant but I'm a man so that's quite unlikely and so I did not run again until today - 3 day break - but hey!!! Today I set out and even in spite of my setback I felt like a runner - I had no doubt that I would run for 30 mins and I did at a nice even pace that took me 4.66KM. My only small problem was the 850 other runners.

Now one of the beauties I've discovered about running outdoors is that I'm discovering parts of and things about my town that I had not seen or been aware of before. I was not aware for example when I set out this morning that there was something called the Seaside 10K that would be coming to my town amd running around my lake this morning. As I set off I became aware quite quickly - there were for example signs that read things like '1 mile' or '4 miles' and there were Marshalls without shiny badges and horses (Atomic overtook a horse - I need to do this - it is a new ambition) BUT No Runners - Aha I thought they haven't started yet - so no problem. After about 5 minutes a man, liveried in officialdom but with a kindly smile rode past on a bike: "There's a race coming through", he said. "No Problem", I puffed in reply... But "Arrogant S.O.B. ", I thought - 'he's assuming they are going to overtake me - Humph!!!'

...And they did - at supersonic speeds - whoosh - long striding professional runner looking types. I swiftly swapped to the beach side of the road out of their way and for a few minutes watched lithe runners with a wonderful variety of running styles and shoes whizz past before thankfully our paths diverged - I had had a bit of an ego bashing seeing these guys speeding by.

I completed my run - did my little work out in the outdoor gym by the sea (when you can see it) and was running home when I espied in a large field the finish line for the 10 K - so I detoured and went to catch the last of the stragglers coming in. Ah so not everyone runs as fast as the front guys - there is room for those of us who are not so fast and the cheers for those last across the line seemed loud enough - in fact one of these was blind - I felt humbled. The challenge for runners is not to win but simply to be the best we can be - do that and we are all winners.

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Runon profile image
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26 Replies
poppypug profile image

Ha ha Runon, you are amaaaazzziinnnnggg ! Hey , next year Grasshopper you will be doing that wont you ? Yes Poppy , you say :-)

It does make you feel very humble to see people with crippling disabilities and life changing injuries taking part in these challenges, makes us put our grumbles and niggles into perspective doesn't it ?

Well Southport certainly seems to be the place to be at the moment what with the air show, the 10k and the Fireworks coming up, plus it is the home of local , national , some may even say International legend -Runon .

Hey, hope your stomach is okay now mate , fancy that, how bizarre ! :-D xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

Hey Poppers - howdee doodee - I will definitely have a go next year - it was good just to see the thing going on - all those 'water points' and things. And a lot of different styles of clothing - might pop down to the running shop this afternoon :) I think with C25K a person can learn to run in isolation and know very little of the running world, this forum and clubs and races and park-runs (I am thinking of doing one of these) all add to the wealth of the experience. :)

PS. I am working on the International Legend bit - be patient - it may take a while :))

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Runon

Oh fab, can I draw your attention to Appendix A Clause 7bc regarding purchasing of running gear/ attire ?

All purchases of running clothes, footwear and accessories must be listed on this forum with notes of colours and where purchased.

All members are then invited to express their views with phrases such as " Oooooh I like that / that's great/ Ive got one of those/ or in my case " Hubba Hubba ! Come to Mommeee"

Happy Shopping ! :-) xxx

Ejbirdy profile image
EjbirdyGraduate in reply to poppypug

I bought a bright pink shower proof jacket today in the sale :)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Ejbirdy

Fab ! Where did you get it from Birdy ? Was it the hallowed halls of SD ? :-) xxx

Ejbirdy profile image
EjbirdyGraduate in reply to poppypug

M&S - love their fitness range :)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Ejbirdy

Oooh I will have to have a look, yes their stuff is really good xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

Poppy behave - this is not a shopping channel - Harumph!!!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Runon

Harumph indeed :-D

Hey , did you get out to the shops Runon ? xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

Afraid not Poppers - went to play on my motorbike instead - I keep thinking I will need stuff for winter and probably want advice on what to get - but will need some kind of long sleeved top and a light of sorts - part of my route is shared with a cycle track and I would prefer not to be run over. And today I noticed a lot of the bloke runners had long socks and thought that is weird - erm...

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Runon

Oh yes, I haven't got any winter stuff yet either. Ive got a fluorescent running top but that's it.

Definitely need some hi vis stuff, its dark at seven now.

A lot of people are wearing those long socks now, Ive never tried them. Im still a bit of a novice myself with whats what . We're in the right place anyway to ask for advice aren't we ? xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Ejbirdy

Do M&S really have a fitness range??? Like fitness socks and Y fronts!!! :)

Ejbirdy profile image
EjbirdyGraduate in reply to Runon

Maybe ;)

Runon profile image

Hey PoppyPug - you cannot use Santa Clause Appendix as a reason to list running clothes on the forum. I cannot possibly be discussing things like nail varnish, knickers, tights and the like in public - oh ok then I give in - will let you know - though I suspect today if I get time it will be exploratory - I don't want a repeat of the last minute dash I had a couple of weeks ago buying running shoes when I fell off the 'gait machine'! I can hear you laughing Poppy - stop it!!! :) xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Runon

Me ?? No way ! Snort , snigger, tee hee, snort :-D xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

Double Harumph!!! :) xxx

Irishprincess profile image

I thought you were going to say you ended up running the race with all the others!

It's good to get reminded sometimes of how lucky we are because we CAN run and do.

I used to work with a lady who was blind but she loved skiing and did it regularly! I just couldn't imagine doing that!

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Hello Princess - there is no way I could have kept up with those front runners - they were scary (ish) - thing is I wasn't sure how much of a seriously serious race this was or more of a fun run - and didn't want to get in the way. Plus it was 10k and they were like jet powered :)

As to the skiing lady - the courage of people is just so inspiring - life is grand!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Runon

You'll be the same next year!

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Well I'll certainly have a go - there's so much going on in this running world I don'tknow about!

atomic profile image

What fun you Sandgrounders have :)

Very inspiring to hear about your fellow runners, and lovely to hear of the good vibes at the finish line. Glad to hear you're feeling recovered from your escapades earlier in the week - it tired me out just reading about it!

Absolutely try to find a horse to run with; it brings a whole new perspective :) Although I'm pretty sure the horse I found was going a bit too fast at times - I was busy working on my "conversational pace" but the horse never said a word...

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to atomic

There is food for thought here - perhaps you could write a running instruction book 'Monologues with Horses'. I suppose it would be cheating to sit on the back of one during a run - I think Einstein did something like this to prove something. But I suppose I did run past some rather docile donkeys on my beach earlier in the Summer but I suspect that this may not count either - ho hum - :)

MarlyParly profile image

What a lovely sentiment, you are so right, thanks for sharing x

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to MarlyParly

The Pleasure is all mine Marlyparly. Running is pretty inspirational at times :)

beforefifty profile image

Love your post, but surely you were just a little tempted to run across the 10K finish line in the style of Chariots of Fire ????

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to beforefifty

Hey beforefifty - I have featured in Chariots of Fire soooo many times recently - well in my head anyway :) I did for the briefest of brief moments (so brief we are talking quantum physics here) think about the possibility of appropriating a race t-shirt but unfortunately they were ticking people off on a checklist. I am a good person most of the time but even good people can have bad thoughts - though in this case I blame it on gremlins :))

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