Last night, as per normal, I set out my running gear, set the alarm for 5:40 and went to bed.
When I woke, I looked at the clock. 5:35.
I got out of bed, into the bathroom, running gear on, picked up and switched on the garmin and out I went for my warm up walk.
Tuesday is my first run of the week and is generally the shortest, currently around 6.5km.
The garmin finds the sat and off I go.
I am about 15 mins into my run before I actually notice how quiet the streets are and how it just does not seem to be getting light. It is cloudy and we are almost past the point where its dark longer than its daylight so I shrug and continue. The loop soon finishes and I have done the run a little slower than normal but hey, I'm not out to break and records in the first run of the week. I quickly save the run and head back home.
I get home and head to the kitchen to put on the kettle.
At this time I look at the clock.
It is 1:50am!!!!!!
I reckon I must have gotten out of bed around 1 am after around 2 hours sleep. I reckon I either xreamt the time as being alarm time or was sleep walking and got up and dressed.
I showered and went back to bed and unsurprisingly, did not get back to sleep for some time. When the alarm did eventually go off, Mrs Runner56 asked me if I was getting up for a run!!! She slept through the entire episode!!!
Anyhoo, I am now bloody knackered and heading for an early night.
Happy running/resting folks. Sweet dreams