So I did it. I set alarm clock at 5 A.M.!!! I somehow managed to convince myself that I am capable of getting out of bed. As soon as I removed my barely alive body from this cozy and warm stronghold, I jumped into my running clothes. Did some quick warm up, as my limbs were still asleep. Drank some water with lemon and drop of honey. And off I went into the pitch blak darkness.
The 5 min warm up walk was soooo looong. My first run after 20 days (or so), only 90 seconds. Wasn't easy, but not hard either. I was surprised how normal it felt. Walking session - already? OK. Let's walk. And another run. This time 3 minutes. I hastated a moment, that may be not so easy as the first 90 seconds. And it wasn't, but slow and steady I went. One foot in front of the other. Calm breathing. Looking around. And I made it The lng walk break was way too long for me. It felt like it lasted forever. The next run-walk-run passed so quickly that I barely noticed it. Even though I pushed a little on the last run.
Now, happy, sweaty, doing some stretching, I am ready for this day, for this week, for whatever you want to through at me (apart from another illness or injury ).
Have an awesome Monday and happy running!
I'm glad to be back