A couple of days ago I posted a bit of a whinge about Ofsted being due at our day nursery, having a bug, and feeling rubbish when running etc. Anyway.... Ofsted came on Tuesday and we are extremely happy, I mean really extremely happy, you might say we were the happiest it is possible to be about the outcome which is of course confidential until the report is published. After the inspector left at around one my husband and I skived off home for a change and having missed nursery lunch went and bought big fat steak pasties. We resisted the Chelsea buns in the shop but after the pasties my other half had a chocolate craving (so did I but I was not as bad as him) so he went and got chocolate and wine for later. So then we scoffed a big bar of chocolate and sat around in a somnolent posture like Albert's lion for a while and went over and over the inspection and the inspector's comments as you do when there is residual adrenalin knocking about after a frightening experience. So then he said 'Let's go to the pub' so we walked into town and went to the pub for some real ale. At least it involved a round trip walk of over two miles. Now, I only had half a pint but by this time I was a bit of a chemical maelstrom as you might imagine. Adrenalin, red meat, caffeine fat and sugar from the chocolate and alcohol on top. To round off the day we polished off a bottle of wine with our evening meal. This was an extreme day as you might imagine and not a diet that I am either proud of or recommending for a training programme of any sort! Anyway, you might imagine that sleep would have come easily but I did not really sleep Tuesday night, not because I was ill but mainly because I was still buzzing about the inspection.
The point of this though is that on Wednesday morning I was up early and managed to go and do a quite enjoyable run. I tried the experiment of using week 1 but actually running in the running sections and jogging in the walking sections. I managed to do 4 repetitions while still jogging and did the last 4 running hard for a minute and then walking for 90 seconds. It may not have been the most effective training run but I did enjoy it, I could run quite well for the minute at a time and it set me up for going back into nursery where everyone was walking round with a big smile and feeling quite relaxed. Sorry about the lengthy epistle, Just reporting that I am back on the road thanks to getting over a very stressful event. And thanks to everyone who was encouraging when I was moaning earlier!