Had a mega run yesterday 7KM including warm up and cool down. Something has clicked and I feel like I'm actually running - me Curly! Can hardly believe it! I even cracked the horrible hill, and told it to %$** off as I got to the top! I'm still pretty slow, but that's ok, I'm built for comfort not speed!
Feeling like a real runner now: Had a mega run... - Couch to 5K
Feeling like a real runner now

Oh well done Curly, that's seriously impressive!! And look at that hill! Congratulations

Oh wow thats excellent!! I love that you told that hill where to go haha!
Yes...you are definitely a runner and enjoying it so much too, what a fantastic feeling. Such an achievement, well done Curly
Wow!!! Well done you. Going for 7k makes you a total star in my book. A definite runner . I'm so jealous of you!!!

Lol. Nice one and well done on conquering the hill

Oh that hill looks horrible so well done for giving it what for. 7k is just amazing and way beyond my radar so seriously impressed. Well done CG!

Way to go!!! That hill does look horrible! But what a great feeling at the top eh?

Woop woop! Well done and YOU ARE A RUNNER Great distance, and you run faster than me (as does everyone on the planet). That hill was huge, good for you - you conquered everything before you
To be fair, this does include warm up and cool down walks - the first 700 MTs has an elevation of over 50 MTS , it's so steep it's difficult to walk on and slippery too...The hill I hate is the one from about 4 KM to 6K, doesn't look much on here, but the last bit of it has defeated me on more than one occasion. I did sprint the last (flat) KM when I got to the top of the hill though!

You are doing wonderfully curlygurly!!!!!
Thanks Teabreaks! You can see I'm still slow too! Had a week off with a bad back, going out for a shortish run this morning to see if it's healed...