Progress since graduation ... How is everyone ... - Couch to 5K

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Progress since graduation ... How is everyone doing?

RobotChicken profile image
11 Replies

Well, after graduating just over a week ago I had a friend come to stay which resulted in a bit too much wine and not a lot of exercise. This would not normally be a problem, however we had a long, exhausting day trip (lots of standing around with a heavy bag on) which tired us both out, but somehow it took me 3 days to recover from. I think I must have been fighting of a bug or something, but I literally could not stay awake for more than an hour at a time. So I had to pull out of my roller marathon, which was a bit gutting, but the only sensible option :(

However, not to be so easily defeated, I went to training on Sunday, had a wee bit of a skate (nothing too strenuous) and have been feeling better since. SO I have started B210K and have been trying to get on my bike for at least 10k every other day as well. Had a slight hiccup with a sore ankle, but a day of RICE whilst I filled out job applications yesterday (grim grim grim) seems to have sorted that (touch wood!).

I REALLY enjoyed the first couple of runs of B210K. I felt faster and covered more ground (over 6K in the 43 minutes of running) It was nice to have "real" music playing, even if it is not entirely to my taste, but I did miss Laura! I think I will make my next run one of the 5k+ podcasts just to get my fix!

How are other recent graduates coping with life beyond Laura? Any plans/goals/strategies for staying motivated? I'd love to hear!

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RobotChicken profile image
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11 Replies
Tomas profile image

When I graduated, I signed up for two races the next day. Just to have some carrot/stick to keep myself going. As it happened, I managed to complete one of them last weekend despite some prior motivational deprivation, so the stick approach seemed to work :)

Sounds like you're doing well, and I thin it's perfectly normal to take a few days off after graduation. After all, you have reached the target, and you deserve to be good to yourself as a reward.

RobotChicken profile image
RobotChicken in reply to Tomas

Ha, that sounds like a lot more stick than carrot! Congrats on completing your race, though :)

Oh - perfectly fine to relax for a few extra days post-graduation. Well done! :)

Since graduating on May 15th, I've been san-Laura... I miss her but she was good to me...

To keep myself motivated I keep setting myself little goals that I want to meet... and then I sign up for something that will prove to the world I did it... and then I tell all my friends so I can't back out... :)

1) Parkruns - awesome fun. 5K, every Saturday... everywhere. Do it... :)

2) B210K - you've checked the box there. It was too much for me - so I did 1 long run a week, slowly getting to 10K (up to 12 now, 13 this weekend!)..

3) Signup for a 10K race... sign up for one in October... you'll have a target to train for... :)

4) Signup for a 13K race... please... really... I just did (gulp)...

5) Signup for a half in Feb 2015... again, please... I need help... :)

I guess what I'm saying is that I find if I set myself a goal far enough in the future that is achievable (believe it our not a half is achievable with 30 weeks to train) then I have a reason to get out there, a reason (as the year goes on) to run in the dark, the rain and the cold... :)

But - whatever I am doing - I remember to go a little bit slower than flat out, smile and enjoy it!

Have fun! It's meant to be fun... :)

RobotChicken profile image

Already signed up for 10K in October :) Looking forward to that. Beyond then, though, my life is looking pretty chaotic, so I can't plan too far ahead. Would love to try for a half sometime next year, though. Going to print out my parkrun barcode tomorrow after I buy a cycle/skate helmet. Got Cycle Scotland coming up a week on Sunday and don't want to let my sponsors down! Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your progress. Love hearing other people's stories!

Vixchile profile image

Oh the B210K - i am dipping my toe in and doing it at my own pace really - mixing it with 30minute runs because i feel doing 3 runs a week at that level might be too high.

I entered a 10km race to do on 27th September or is it 28th September must check actual date. i think once i have done it - that will be it for races for 2014. 1) It will be getting towards summer and running in 34 degrees will be impossible 2) i think i just want to enjoy running/plodding for a bit.

Depending how september goes I might enter a 10km race in april before heading back to the uk.

Good luck with the B210K podcasts and be careful they are not easy!

RobotChicken profile image
RobotChicken in reply to Vixchile

Ugh, 34 degree running sounds unbearable. Not usually a problem in Scotland, though! Good luck for your September 10K - make sure you turn up on the right date :p

kpisofficiallynuts profile image

I've been really lazy post graduation, I graduated last Saturday and haven't been out since. I'm off on holiday tomorrow and already packed my trainers, and running gear and planning to have a few little runs - not sure I will be able to fit in 30 mins, but will definitely try for shorter faster ones. I've been really busy with work (although school holidays and therefore not working!) and children (again because of school holiday), school shoe shopping (thinking I may need to remortgage for that) and I've been feeling a bit under the weather.

BUT my aim now is to download the next phase of Laura, and up my speed with a long term ain of running either my local Race for Life or the bit further afield Oxford Race for Life which is run through the streets and is meant to be great! My aim is to do this in the magical 30 mins and in memory of my friend Caroline - there I've written it down so have to do it.

RobotChicken profile image
RobotChicken in reply to kpisofficiallynuts

Yup, you have to now - for Caroline! Although I'm sure she wouldn't be too bothered about your time. The speed podcast really works - is pretty tiring, though. It's probably a good one to do on holiday. I think these races will be a breeze for you compared with school shoe shopping. The memories ... *shudder*

Far2Fat4ThatDress profile image

After graduating a month or so ago I thought I had shin splints when I did hill training so I've been resting from the running but decided to take up cycling before I lost all my new found fitness.

Last week I decided that even though my left leg was still a bit sore I would start again (whilst on holiday on a flat terrain) from the beginning of C25K and I was fine but my left leg was a bit achy. When I got back home it is, unfortunately, all slopes and hills and after my run (week 3 day 1) my leg was so painful that I had an osteopath look at it and she says that because my left leg is slightly longer than my right I have, in effect, been running on a camber and the lower half of my calf is swollen and bruised.

So my plans WERE my first Park Run this September and to start training for a half-triathlon for next year (I need to learn to swim beyond an elegant breast stroke where my hair doesn't get wet and I tell people to stop splashing me).

So that's all on hold and I have surprised myself about how gutted I am that I am not a runner at the moment!

RobotChicken profile image
RobotChicken in reply to Far2Fat4ThatDress

Oh no! What a shame. I really feel for you after putting all that work in :( Hopefully you'll be able to keep up with swimming and cycling. Can anything be done about your one-long-leg problem (like shoe inserts, I mean, not chopping a bit off!) All the best and I hope your leg feels better soon :)

Tattoojunkie30 profile image

I have been working on increasing my distance, to be honest I'm not bothered about speed I figure that'll come with time. Before I almost got run over and hurt myself I was running a 5k x 3 a week (very proud of little self for that considering I could barely for 60 seconds without gasping for air) and I'm now healed and working my way back up to that. My ultimate goal is to run a half marathon....pinkies crossed for the future.

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