I Like A Drink In The Morning...: I prefer to do... - Couch to 5K

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I Like A Drink In The Morning...

MitBeds profile image
21 Replies

I prefer to do my runs in the morning, first thing. I take a bottle of water with me.

So I was reading a post on here recently and just about everyone that poste on it didn't drink while they ran.

Now I am confused as I always thought you should sip water, as you need to, when you exert yourself during exercise.

Really would like to know what, when and how much people drink and why?

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MitBeds profile image
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21 Replies
Oldgirl profile image

When I'm able to run I go out first thing. I have a glass of water to rehydrate a mug of green tea and small banana. I only carry water if I'm planning on running more than 5-6K. After all most bodies will cope if they are hydrated beforehand for the 45-60 minutes. Well that's my theory and its worked for me for nearly 4 years now. I always drink water while I'm stretching after a run, then have breakfast with more tea. :) Hope this helps, happy running :)

paul2014 profile image

I suppose the answer is in your post, only sip when you need to. The longest I've ran so far is about 45 minutes. I'm hydrated before setting off and don't feel the need to take on anymore fluids within that time. If I was running for more than an hour then I may take on fluids but as I haven't ran for that long (yet ;) ) I don't know for sure. If you are happy sipping small amounts regularly and it works for you, then just continue doing so. Out of interest, do you feel you need to drink or is it just something you do because you believe that's what you're meant to do?

in reply to paul2014

I haven't taken water with me until the hot spell over the past month when I did the park run and got heat rash. Now if I am going for more than 30 mins I take water. I do generally naturally drink a lot of water throughout the day so am usually hydrated. I find it a bit annoying to try and drink on the run.

MitBeds profile image
MitBedsGraduate in reply to paul2014

I do get dry, it's all the huffing and puffing.

Lovefood1984 profile image

I drink a sports drink when running for more than an hour to re-hydrate & provide my body with some energy but anything less and I don't bother. I've trawled the internet on this subject & a lot of people don't drink except for long runs & then if they do the advice seems to be drink when your thirsty and in small sips to avoid over/under hydration :)

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984Graduate in reply to Lovefood1984

That said everyone is different and do what's best for you, some people naturally drink more than others and this can be based also on weather conditions too (like the nasty hot weather that we're having which is no good for running in ;))

no-excuse profile image

I have a drink of water before I go out and usually carry water with me. I drink most of it too as I seem to be gasping for it. The problem is I don't like carrying it. Last couple of runs I made myself leave my water behind to see how I got on and actually managed fine. I think I just got to rely on it. Mind you, in this heat I think I will carry on taking it and for anything over 5k. I guess we are all different with what we need. x :-)

Rignold profile image

I have been puzzled by this, and also people saying carrying water bottles in your hands is to be avoided. In the recent heat, I have often taken water with me, and what I haven't drunk, I have poured over my head occasionally to cool me down. I take a 500 ml bottle in each hand and find it quite comfortable, even beneficial to my motion.

tanyag_163 profile image

All good advice here. It just goes to show everyone is different. Generally, you should be ok on short runs without water if you have been drinking regularly through the day. Longer runs should be done with water/drinks to hand. Factors to consider include the weather (extreme cold and heat can affect how much water you need). at the end of the day, you know your body best.

Miles_Yonder profile image

I've only run without water once. Never, ever again. I take a 600ml bottle out with me on each run and generally sip away as I run, although I do pour some over myself as well, in an effort to keep cool. I usually get through most of it; today I ran 8K and got through about three quarters of it. I just sip away as and when necessary.

To me, it feels strange running without water, as I've always ran with a bottle since I started. There is a knack to it: hold it tight enough so you don't drop it, but loose enough so you're not gripping it, like you're holding an egg you don't want to break. Otherwise, I find, muscles in my forearm start to ache. This is worse in the rain when the bottle is slippy. I generally hold the bottle with my right hand, sometimes swapping to my left to give it a break.

Hope that's helpful for you. :-)

MitBeds profile image

Thanks folks, for all of the replies. It seems a little in the air. But to be fair as many of you have said or implied, it's whatever works :-)

misswobble profile image

I have only taken water out with me once and I hated carrying it so never again. I run 10 k, 12 and 13 k without water. I have run 10 miles but water was supplied at drinks stations but I didn't carry any. I have only done very short runs during this hot weather so have managed without

You'll sort out what's best for you

Rob_and_his_westie profile image

The first time I ever drank water while actually on a run was last Sunday during an official five mile event when there was a water station half way round. I found it next to impossible to take anything down and ended up tipping the bottle over my head to cool myself. What I find most effective is to drink half a litre or so at least 30 minutes before I run. This works very well for me for anything up to 10k or so. Longer runs need more, so I start drinking well in advance.

k823127 profile image

I make sure i have a large glass of water before i go, then rehydrate when i get back. Hate carrying things when i run!

Janglyshe profile image

I still take water with me even for 5k as I run first thing. My daughter got me a super bottle too. It is by Nike with a zip pocket in the handle and reflective strips. Good size for credit card / park run card and keys and £2 coin for post park run coffee.

misswobble profile image

That looks good that bottle! Mind you I'll manage without as I've got used to running dry

I was on a 10 mile race recently in the hot weather and I noticed at the start there was a lady with a huge running belt filled with everything bar the kitchen sink. It made me shudder. How could anyone run with that lot! She absolutely thrashed me! LOL So there might be something to be said for it

carole01 profile image
carole01Graduate in reply to misswobble

I run with one of those belts on!! LOL :) I only take it on long runs days though. I tried running with water in my hands but strangely found it frustrating and just wanted to ditch it! I guess what we are all saying is make sure you perfectly hydrated before but for long ones take your water! Good luck Mitbeds, stay cool!!!

MitBeds profile image
MitBedsGraduate in reply to carole01

I just got one of those today as it goes. Think it might be better than holding a bottle.

loubee33 profile image

I have taken a sports bottle of water out on every run apart from one. I have done most of my longer runs in this heat and it is a comfort to have it there. I would prefer to run without as I did leave it on a wall during one run (collected it again on the second lap) and found i ran better without but I am a bit scared to try in this heat.

I run with one of those sports bottles with the hole in the middle so it's easier to hold as you run. Wouldn't be able to survive the run without it in this weather !

MitBeds profile image

Did Wk6 R3 this morning. I think I know what has been happening, it's a little obvious in hindsight...

I was drinking during my walking phases. Today, I had to run for 25 mins and didn't drink nearly as much during the run itself. Just a few sips while running really.

Interesting to see everyone's responses though, thank you.


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