No I'm not pregnant! That would be a medical breakthrough that would! For the record, I should add that it's got nothing to do with my lovely hubby but everything to do with a certain age! Why am I telling you this? Oh yes, my right foot.
I had my MRI scan today to see if it'll show what's wrong with my swollen toes. So far, no one knows why they're swollen but it's a complete pain because I haven't been able to run since May! The follow up appointment with the the surgeon is booked for two weeks time (he's on holiday until then) and I'm praying to the gods of running he'll be able to tell me what's wrong and, more importantly, when I'll be able to run again. I can't tell you how much I miss it!
But in the meantime I'm reading your great posts and keeping myself fit and prepared for my return!
Keep fingers crossed!