(Tuesday) Yes, I was foolish enough to think I knew how to use an exercise bike, I went down to the local pool where there is a small gym (one bike). My plan was to bike then swim. Ah, scuppered. It seems I need to have a gym instructor show me how to use the equipment. I didn't think I was so thick as to need someone show me how to pedal a bike. Next available time for instructor - Wednesday! Have booked spinning class instead.
I know that I am intelligent, because I know t... - Couch to 5K
I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing. (Socrates)

Ah but did you swim??

Unless you can spin copious amounts of gold in one night, and Rumplestiltskin grants you a wish of not having to be shown how to use the exercise bike, I don't see how going to a spinning class is going to help.
Excuse me sir! Hic

Oh well Dozzer must be some fancy bike if you need instruction. Was it you that decided you needed instruction or someone at the 'gym'? Either way you will get there in the end.
I've done my run and cycle but swim is having to wait until Thursday as that's the soonest I can go when there are lanes and I can give the 30 minutes my best. Actually looking forward to it

Aye. Will try to sneak in today.

Swimming! Madness! Was there an instructor available to show you what to do and how to do it? It seems to me that you have absolutly no regard for safety. Just because you know "how to" swim. What may have changed since the last time you went. Your stroke may not be safe, the water could be less wet or more wet depending upon the moisture in the air. Then spinning, all that turning around surely will make you dizzy! You do mean that type of spinning I hope and not the cycle based product. How we ever got past 2 years old I'm not sure.

I'll stick to the original. Some things just don't go with chocolate.
ho ho ho ho ho ho
It's not too late to join us in The Dozz-ville Challenge Award For The Discombulated. It doesn't all have to be done at speed.
Dozz-Ville Challenge?
You must have heard of us. It's a triathlon. For those of us not called Brownlee.
Here are the rules - we already have 40 takers!
You are the one for us!!!!! The The Dozz-ville Challenge Award For The Discombulated is the way forward for triathletes such as you! Last two weeks of July is participation fortnight. 30 mins running (with walks included if necessary), 30 swimming (full on serious swim not essential, wading in shallow end is fine) and 30 biking (excerise bike fine). Any order. Any number of days! £1 to charity entrance fee. No results to be posted. (So I don't get depressed about mine which will not be good.) Let me know. I need to keep track of numbers. Join us!!!
You must have heard of us. It's a triathlon. For those of us not called Brownlee.
Here are the rules - we already have 40 takers!
You are the one for us!!!!! The The Dozz-ville Challenge Award For The Discombulated is the way forward for triathletes such as you! Last two weeks of July is participation fortnight. 30 mins running (with walks included if necessary), 30 swimming (full on serious swim not essential, wading in shallow end is fine) and 30 biking (excerise bike fine). Any order. Any number of days! £1 to charity entrance fee. No results to be posted. (So I don't get depressed about mine which will not be good.) Let me know. I need to keep track of numbers. Join us!!!

Yay Kat, you've done the swim! Did I miss a post where you detailed your triumph over your cold water, wet tummy nemesis? The one where you stopped being a water wimp and became the symbolic love child of Ester Williams and Duncan Goodhew! come on Kat, spill the beans!

You're absolutely right, KittyKat...living near Hershey PA, I was brought up on chocolate...it was my first addiction
We have a love of Reese's cups.
They are my favorite and I only allow myself to eat them when they put out their holiday versions. It might surprise you to know that Hershey's is NOT my favorite chocolate. We have another chocolate company in a nearby county, Wilbur Chocolate and it is far superior to Hershey, probably because it is a smaller company.I also like Cadbury.

You'll get a good workout in a spinning class...I took a few at the gym and I had one tired bum. I quickly changed back to the regular upright bike and/or the recumbent bike.

Oh Captain poppypug (ents and haberdashery div, (triathlete) keep up with geography class.

Good to hear you're training an elf for future fame (triathlete)

Marmite does.

Gold hot pants, they were only for best.

No, I'm enrolling in final recruits. Next year, now thats another matter.

New clothes? Did they not have hand-me-downs in your posh area?

I only like Reese's peanut butter cups. If I want good chocolate, I favor Dove or Cadbury's and I like dark chocolate better than milk chocolate.

Yeah, we have Dove soap over here, too. Dove is one of the first premium chocolate covered ice cream bars over here and from there they extended their line to candies.

We do have Mars and Twix. Check out the link below to see everything Hershey makes. It will amaze you, even Cadbury is on the list:

Ah. I see.