ON January Ist I resolved to run a 10K race before my 68th birthday and just two days inside the safe zone, I'm off to do it! Two of my 'boys' (age 39 and 43) are running with me- well actually they are running very far in front of me. But still, it's nice. We're all dressed in our lycra, sipping our last coffee before we set off for Leeds. Am I nervous? A bit. I've got that default self-doubting feeling I always get, which is will I actually be able to run more than 50 yards , which was all I was able to manage this time last year before C25K. Well, in a few hours time we shall know. Wish me luck! And Miles Yonder, watch out for me. I'm the one in the turquoise running shirt saying 'Anything is possible' though you won't be able to read that cos of my bib!
Today's the day: ON January Ist I resolved to... - Couch to 5K
Today's the day

Good luck, TT! Your goal awaits at the finish line! You'll do great, just you watch. I'll keep an eye out for you; I'm dressed in banana yellow.

Good luck TT You should be really proud of what you have achieved proving that age isnt relevant - it's your attitude that counts . You go out there and have a great time Lovely that your boys running with you and remember position / time doesn't matter. (Although it is interesting to see you new position if you can apply age grading thingy like they do with park run results )
Hope the weather is kind to you and remember once you get through the first 5-10 mins of thinking can I really do this, why am I here , blah blah you'll be fine .

You will do it, as I hope I will too. This time last year 50m was way beyond me but today I am setting out to run 5 miles at the Olympic Park.

Hats off TT (and M_Y)! Happy 10k day

Go for it TT. Have a wonderful day with your sons. I'm sure you'll be fabulous. You are so right- anything is possible if you try hard enough. Have the best of days. I can't wait to read your race report

Have a good day & enjoy

Wishing you the best of luck!! I bet your boys are so proud of you!! Hope you have lots of water and it's not too hot! I too changed my life with running on the 1st of January and look at what you have achieved! Magnificent! Go for it! x

Good luck Looking forward to reading about your successful run

Good luck TT, enjoy every minute and know we are all cheering you on

Good luck T T, looking forward to hearing the 'post match' report. And how fantastic that you are running with your boys, you go girl.

Wipe away self doubt. Of course u will rock it. Relax, enjoy and soak it all up. Look forward to hearing all about it xxx
Go girl ! Good luck you can do it . X

Good luck, although with your training and your boys there for moral support you won't need it. Let us all know how it went.

Good luck TT - wishing you all the very best!

Wooohooo! My heart is racing for you folks. Out there racing! Crikey me. We're doing it!!!! Racing!!!! Who'd a thought it. I am smiling and tittering like a nit. I am actually quite sniffy and emotional. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh
See, now look what you did. Sob
Good luck! I know you will be immense

Just read your post 1.40pm - so how did it go - hope you had a super time - and got a great time

Thanks everyone for your good wishes. They helped me have a fantastic time. Read my post!