We are the champions my friends!!!!: We... - Couch to 5K

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We are the champions my friends!!!!

Mazzero profile image
47 Replies

We completed our graduation run this morning and I just feel so thankful that we were able to accomplish this challenge. It was at a family dinner 9 weeks ago that the seeds for our endeavour were sown. I said that I didn't really understand what people got out of jogging and my lovely daughter who has done some running told me that it can help you feel good to which I replied "I would be no good at running". She then told me about the NHSC25k plan and another person around the table asked whether this was something that I should be starting at my age (I'm 64) to which my daughter indignantly retorted "of course she can". Well that sealed my fate and the very next morning I downloaded the lovely Laura and off I went to start wk 1. My lovely husband was bemused by it all and walked along side me(he walked faster than I could run at that stage ). That first run and in fact week 1 was so HARD!!! I set myself a goal to try and complete the plan before my 65th Birthday in September and this helped me to stay on track. I followed all the advice and scheduled the runs for Tuesday Thursday and Saturday mornings and thankfully I was able to do this without missing a session. Hubby started jogging with me halfway through Wk 2 and this helped me enormously(in fact I don't know whether I would have done it without him). At times it has felt so hard but we've had so much fun as well high 5'ing each other with every new achievement. I have posted about each run which is helpful to reflect on how far we've come and it seems funny to look back and see my hysteria at the prospect of the running time increasing from 90 seconds to 3 minutes in week 3 (I think) Back then I didn't think we'd ever run for 30 minutes and felt very different from people who were posting about their wk 7 8 and 9 runs. Well we're now one of them and if we can do it YOU CAN TOO!!! I would like to thank the NHS administrators, the lovely Laura and this whole community who have given us so much support. So many of you have taken the time to spur us on and offer us advice and for that we are eternally grateful. I know I would love to be able to respond to everyone's posts but then I'd be in danger of becoming a couch potato again!!! I wish all the very best to everyone out there - STAY POSITIVE and you will get there.

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Mazzero profile image
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47 Replies
Fentaz42 profile image

Congratulations! What a wonderful post too,very inspiring! Happy running! :)

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Fentaz42

Thanks Fentaz. Best wishes to you

runningnotwalking profile image

Many congratulations Mazzero. Great achievement and enjoy celebrating graduation and your forthcoming birthday.

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to runningnotwalking

Thank you RNW for your kind words

Jaciacky profile image

What an inspiration you are Mazzero! Well done. My husband and I are on week 3 and feeling really achey! You have just spurred me on enormously although I still can't foresee myself running for 30 mins! At 51 I thought I was a bit over the hill to start running but I've just realised its better late than never! RESPECT to you! Keep up the good work :)

greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to Jaciacky

51 is very young! He he! (I'm 54 and couldn't imagine myself as a runner either.)

Jaciacky profile image
Jaciacky in reply to greenlegs

Lol - I think I'm young until I get out on the road and run! Then I feel more like 90 ! To be fair I have felt great until this week so I think I just need to build my strength up and be determined :)

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Jaciacky

Oh my Jaciacky how good to hear about another couple doing this together. I know it feels hard right now but you will do this. Don't forget to do your stretches and try massages. Your muscles will get stronger and to be honest with you we ached until wk 8 (no pain no gain and all that). I will follow your progress and will you on every step of the way

Jaciacky profile image
Jaciacky in reply to Mazzero

Thanks for the tips Mazzero - I know I need to spend more time on stretching particularly. I guess it's just the body objecting to having to do something for a change! I really appreciate the support. It great to run with your hubby as you can support each other but it's nice to get some external motivation too - running can be a lonely activity so I guess that's why people value these groups - it's good to talk! Do you plan to move up to the 10k programme or continue to stick around 5k?

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Jaciacky

We're going to stick with 30 min for time being and then extend the time gradually cos were not covering 5 k yet.

Jaciacky profile image
Jaciacky in reply to Mazzero

That sounds like a good plan - keep going steady! You've achieved so much already! You must be so proud and happy :)

Jefna profile image

Mazzero!!! You did it! Not that I had any doubt at all of course!

Huge huge congratulations to you and your husband, I'm over the moon for you both.

I loved reading your post, your determination to complete the program is evident and it's what got you through! Well done!

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Jefna

Ah thank you so much J That just brought tears to my eyes. You've been hugely supportive xxx

Jefna profile image
JefnaGraduate in reply to Mazzero

Ah bless you! I got emotional reading your post too! Haha xx

greenlegs profile image

What a really lovely graduation blog. :) Well done to both of you - and to your daughter for believing in you at that dinner. I hope the doubter knows how much you love running now! :)

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to greenlegs

Thank you so much and yes my daughter had far more belief in me than I did at that time. Initially I was scared that I might drop down dead during the podcast but this program has given me so much confidence and a new lease of life

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Mazzero

Smashing post. Well done to you. An inspiration to us following indeed. I think I love your daughter such confidence in you. I love the fact that your husband went with you even though he wasn't intending to do the course & that he wasn't going to be left behind. There's definitely a feel good factor when reading these blogs. Congratulations! :)

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to waletta

Thank you so much Waletta for you very kind words. You're right about these posts in that they are all so inspirational. I gained a lot from reading how others were getting on. Best of luck with your journey Ill be looking out for you.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Hi Mazzero, congratulations. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that we were on similar timetables. I graduated yesterday and share all your emotions over C25K and the community. I really feel for all those folk, of which I was one, who felt that running was not for them. They don't know what they are missing.

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Oh how true that is Thank you for your congratulations and well done to you on getting there 'we kept on running til the end'

Feefbev profile image

Congratulations! That's awesome - great post too! Really pleased for you! Only one more run until I can join you in the shiny badge club!!!!!!!!

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Feefbev

Ah thank you so much Fee you've been hot on my heels which helped me. I will be there cheering you on when you graduate. The badge only took a few minutes to arrive with a lovely email(even on Saturday)

Plinth profile image

Hey, well done. I run with my hubbie too, if alone I may have given up by now! We started just after Easter, and still can't do 5k in 30 mins. We just gradually built in the time till we got there (40mins) - now we do one 5k one 30 mins and one speed podcast. It works for us at the moment, tho there's still a part of me that thinks we should do 5k each time!

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Plinth

Thank you Plinth. That's so reassuring to hear your plan. We will progress sensibly as you have but to be honest the word speed scares me. I've listened to the 5k+ podcast and it just seems out of our league just now but so did the prospect of reaching graduation so who knows???

Carolecal profile image

Massive congratulations.....I am so pleased for you,for both of you,of course.

You 've written a lovely post and if that hasn't inspired newbies and all of us coming up through the ranks then nothing will !!

Hats off to your great daughter who started this whole thing off for you......but you and your husband were the ones with heads down and teeth gritted and all that steely determination to see it through ,so be proud .....you've worked so hard.

Enjoy your running,celebrate your achievement and Mazz, don't stop posting :)

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Ah thank you Carole. The tears are welling up again reading your lovely response. I'll definitely keep going and I will always want to be part of this lovely community. Not long for you now so I will be tracking your progress and cheering you on xxx

Anniemurph profile image

Congratulations to both of you, it's a fantastic achievement and a huge HA! to the doubter :D

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Thank you Annie. We're feeling really chuffed with ourselves

katee1958 profile image

Well done Mazzero, what an inspirational blog. I am on Week 7 and like so many others, never thought I would be running for 25 mins without stopping. I do the park run every now and then, in fact week 1 run 1 was on a park run, and it is nice to see the improvement over the weeks. I sometimes haven't got 3 runs in per week (doing it alone its is sometimes easy to put it off until tomorrow) and have to really kick myself to get going, but I am determined to follow in your footsteps and make it to 30 mins, although it won't be 5K for me in 30 mins, but it is something to aim for I suppose. :) x

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to katee1958

Thanks Katee. Week 7 was quite difficult for us getting used to those longer runs but after that something just clicked and it became a case of - well this is what we do 3 days a week and we just got up and got on with it. It can be hard to get yourself going so very well done that you are so self motivated. I'll be following your progress as always x

runningwild profile image

Well done and a great blog, enjoy your running and your badge!


Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to runningwild

Thank you RW. It's great to see graduate next to my name!!!

Scipio profile image

Many congratulations Mazzero and your husband! I've really enjoyed reading your inspiring blogs & it's fantastic you've seen it through to the end and graduated with honours. I bet your daughter is thoroughly proud of you both.

Enjoy your success & your lovely Graduate badge - and keep running & blogging!

Wish me luck please as I start W9 next week...

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Scipio

Thank you so much Scipio. You are doing really well and will also be a graduate very soon. Good luck with Wk 9!!!

Oldgirl profile image

Well done both of you, job well done and together too, just great. Smashing blog, loved reading all your journey, thanks for sharing. Happy running you'll soon reach 5K of that I am sure. :)

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to Oldgirl

Thank you Old Girl and I would like to add that you have been a great inspiration to me. You always give such good advice and support.

fabbyfifty profile image

Congrats to the champions! An inspiring message, especially to those like me on the early part of this journey helps me believe I can do this. All the best to you both.

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to fabbyfifty

Thank you Fabby. Slow and steady and you will do it. Trust Laura and the plan it works

Hey, Mazzero! Wow. What a lovely celebration you've conjured, and then invited us all into the tent to toast your success and cheer your family's loving support. Thank you for sharing your success! Although many thousands of km away on the shores of the Pacific, I'm there with every jogging step (plod-plod-plod) along with you as we each keep up with our post-grad runs, hoping to reach 5k in 30 min someday, slowly and surely. I've found the glow of that W9R3 success has fired me to follow this habit like it is my life. As everyone says, in utter disbelief... I DID IT! IMPOSSIBLE BUT TRUE. WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED? You are so right about being champions. Congratulations to you, and many happy runs forever. A big hug from this 63-yr old running buddy, also moving towards shocking and unprecedented fitness. Hooray for C25k and our wonderful blog supporters!

Mazzero profile image

HA HA - Oh Canada I just love your response you do make me chuckle. Thank you so much for your support. After my post grad run shower I was sitting at my dressing table just about to dry my hair and Freddy Mercury started singing in my ear and yes we are all champions at whatever level we perform. We will be doing exactly what you're doing post grad and embrace the fact that we have got 2 legs which can move at whatever pace they choose to go. Keep posting my friend you are like a breath of fresh air xxx

Mazzero profile image

HA HA - Oh Canada I just love your response you do make me chuckle. Thank you so much for your support. After my post grad run shower I was sitting at my dressing table just about to dry my hair and Freddy Mercury started singing in my ear and yes we are all champions at whatever level we perform. We will be doing exactly what you're doing post grad and embrace the fact that we have got 2 legs which can move at whatever pace they choose to go. Keep posting my friend you are like a breath of fresh air xxx

splenda78 profile image

Wonderful post and congratulations on your graduation!!!! Great work:)

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to splenda78

Thank you Splenda. The support I've received from you guys is amazing xxx

danzargo profile image

Spiffingly good news Mazzer. Well done. I bet you feel amazing? :-)

Mazzero profile image

Cheers Dan. We're feeling pretty pleased with ourselves. Hope you're feeling OK you are a bright star in this wonderful community xxx

tor41 profile image

Well done Mazzero we are so proud of you, see it is good to be out there (and what a sneaky way to get hubby out too lol), seriously it is good you had some solid encouragement it is always harder doing it solo, and look completed well before that big birthday enjoy your running looking forward to your graduate posts, wear that badge with pride :-)

Mazzero profile image
MazzeroGraduate in reply to tor41

Ah thank youTor and your right about my hubby - he was an enormous help despite being a bit iffy about running initially - now he's well and truly hooked. Good luck with your runs you are doing some really impressive stuff xxx

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