Hello lovely runners,
Just popped in to say, 'I've only bloody gone and done it!'.
Today was graduation run. It was grey, but not raining when I set out at 9 this evening. I'd been worrying about putting 30 and 30 together to make 60 in the final week of B210K. After all, I'd been using that 1 minute walk to shake my legs out, catch my breath, tidy my hair up and other such enjoyable diversions. Now I was going to have to run for an hour
I set off and it was all going smoothly, I'd chosen a very familiar, unadventurous and flat route so as not to spook myself. The toxic ten were only mildly noxious and I'd gone 20 minutes before I knew it.
At 24 minutes the music stopped. I took ancient iPod from my pocket, hoping my headphones had just disconnected. No. The battery was dead. I could have sworn it was 2/3 rds full when I set out. I faltered. I've never run without music. Ever.
'This is a sign of something. You can't run without music. You should stop at half an hour and charge it up for next time. No way can you get through 35 minutes of silence.' Said my shoulder devil.
'Quit your jibba jabba!' Replied my shoulder angel who had inexplicable morphed into a tiny Mr T
So on I went. Now I know you headphone free runners claim to hear the earth turning, the birds singing, the brook babbling etc. I heard nothing but my own heart beat pulsing in my inner ear, my laboured breath, and the occasional 'Splosh' as I landed in a large puddle But it wasn't all that bad.
Onwards. By 40 minutes I had a smile on my face. By 50 I was gleeful. By 60 minutes I'd covered 9.15 Km, but I wanted 10. Ache and pain free I pressed on, my eyes on Gretta Garmin frequently. Then, suddenly, there it was. 10K in just under 1:05.
I have rarely been so proud. I won't go on forever, but will say this;
Life with Laura was a rollercoaster, but one which deep down I knew I was enjoying.
Life with Sami was harder. I was at times hot, damp, thirsty, tired, achy, doubtful, scared and music-less. But hard is good, and I feel prepared to run now, having experienced a little bit of running adversity.
Life with all of you, on this forum, has been a dream. There has been someone here to say just what I needed to hear, before I knew I needed to hear it everytime. If I have helped anyone a fraction of the amount this forum has helped me I'll be very proud. Thank you one and all.
That's it, happy running folks, tell me all about it,