I did it! W5R3! First time I have ever run for that long. When I started, I struggled with the minute runs. I honestly can't believe I did it without stopping. So very pleased with myself
First 20 minute run!: I did it! W5R3! First time... - Couch to 5K
First 20 minute run!

Well done! That's one of the big ones out of the way. Watch out for week 6 - it can be a tricky one.

Congratulations! I just did that one last week. It does feel great It's an important run for self-confidence. I did wk 6 run 1 today. On paper it looks easy but isn't. Slow and steady and you'll complete it.

Good work!

And so you should be Completing the 20 minute run is a big achievement so well done

Congratulations! It's amazing achieving that first long run! Xx

You should be pleased it's a great feeling doing that run! Congrats and good luck with week 6

Great achievement and it does feel great!

Congratulations. It's a massive achievement and you are very right in feeling so pleased with yourself! As others have said though, go steady with week six. It looks easy after doing the twenty minutes of running, but it's deceptively though. Take it steady though and you'll be fine. Good luck!
Oh well done you I will be doing this very soon as about to start W4R3 so good to know you managed it and take stock on the fact that others can do it so can I.. well done keep it up as I plan to too..
Thanks everyone