It was humid and hot at 6:00am local here. I'm glad I ran in the morning as it got up to 92 here today. On to W5R3. 20 minute run on Friday or Saturday here I come!
W5R2 Hot one!: It was humid and hot at 6:00am... - Couch to 5K
W5R2 Hot one!

Wow, that's hot. Good luck with run 3.

Oh that's really hot! Good luck for your 20 minute run in the next couple of days! Just take it steady and you'll be fine

Well done and good luck for run 3.They are right slow and steady gets you there

I hope it's a bit cooler by the time you do W5R3. Plenty of hydration before you run, and afterwards, as if you didn't know. Good luck, you will do it.

Had to google the conversion Fahrenheit to Celsius to get an idea of the temperature. That's hot! So it was a good idea to run early!
Well done.

Morning runs definitely a good idea. I decided to do my W8R2 at 6pm yesterday - wasn't too hot , about 26c, but humidity a killer. Nearly didn't make it. Back to morning's from now on. All the best with your run , it's a great feeling to do that 20 mins.

I'm back to running in the mornings - it's so much better as we have very similar temperatures to you at the moment. Up here on my mountain the nights are still about 10 degrees (C) cooler than the days, and the humidity is nice and low, so it's definitely the time to go for a run. Now I don't have to be out of the house by 7 for work (more like 8 now), there's much more chance of it happening!
All the best for your 20 minute run. Hope it's a little cooler. Or maybe all the neighbours will have their sprinklers out watering their gardens so you could run from one to another?

Thank you all for the wonderful thoughts. May try in the morning if no more thunderstorms.