Crikey that was scary! W7R3 conquered this morning. First 5 minds was ok then the heavens opened and it started to thunder. Don't like t & l storms at the best of times but completed the run arriving home looking like a drowned rat. Bring on W8,
Thunder and lightning!: Crikey that was scary... - Couch to 5K
Thunder and lightning!

Congrats on completing w7. I've just completed w7r2. I love thunder and lightning storms
We're on the home straight now. Go for it P2014. Yes, I'd have ducked out if I hadn't already left the house with moly dog. She would not have been a waggy tail dog if I'd turned back. Luckily she doesn't mind t & l.

Well done - just 6 runs left
I don't mind thunder and lightning - and if they are far enough away I enjoy watching them, but I think I'd have ducked out of running in a storm!

I too conquered w7r3 this morning. Luckily here T & L were overnight so although it was very wet in the forest, at least it wasn't too hot!
Dog wasn't impressed when in the last few minutes we came across a puddle which was full width of the path and over 50 feet long. The look on his face when I just ran in the middle of it and he got splashed (it was ankle deep...) but it was so nice for my overheated feet. Incidently he got his revenge on the way back when he sat in it then shook himself all over me!!!