Did my Run 2 week 3 this am, and I still feel like a baby elephant plodding along, no speed at all. Has anyone else felt like this, when will it actually feel like running ? I do enjoy it and I think my stamina is improving, but the gallumping along is getting on my nerves !!
Run 2 Week 3: Did my Run 2 week 3 this am, and I... - Couch to 5K
Run 2 Week 3

Well done on completing week 2. Sorry to hear you feel that you are 'gallumping' - I think this is normal for most people, especially at the early stages of the programme. Speed is something that isn't really part of the plan - it's about being able to gradually increase the amount of time you can run for. I think it was W5R3 where I started to pick up just a teensy bit of pace in the last 60 seconds of the run. It might be worth being patient for a bit longer and just focusing on working through each session - I doubt any of us are gazelle-like most of the time. You're making progress with what you are doing at the moment. Good luck with the start of week 3 - it's a nice week to do - and my best wishes.
ps. Oh 'eck, I read that the wrong way round, didn't I? Sorry about getting it muddled, you're already nearly through week 3. You're not far off week 4 now, which is even nicer and it occurs to me that with the slightly longer run in that week (5 minutes) you might get into your stride a bit and feel a bit more like you're running. Cheers.
Sorry grannyjudes, I made the same mistake as well!! Good luck on the rest of week 3!!

I would love for it to flow Fitmo, not fast, just smooth
I think you will get there on this point - some runs always feel better than others. I finally felt I was running a bit more smoothly at the end of week 5 - just for those 60 seconds, but then started to feel it again for the last few seconds of each run thereafter. I think it's a case of each of finding our own pace and what works for us. All the best.
Gallumping, that's a great description!!
I used to think that I was getting really efficient at my running. Then I saw myself in a video clip of a Parkrun ... that was when I discovered that I shuffle rather than run!!
Seriously, I felt like I was knees high, kicking my heels back, pony tail swishing elegantly behind me, looking fabulous. Turns out that I barely take my feet off the ground and run with my elbows sticking right out from my body!! But, and this is the big but so to speak, I was running.
The gallumping feeling will subside and as Fitmo says the speed will pick up. You're early days yet and still getting into your stride. Celebrate where you've got to already and good luck with week three!

thank you lovely people, funny how we see gazelles in our minds when really its gallumping elephants !! Loved your description and honesty
Is gallumping necessarily a bad thing ? I think just making the effort to get up and gallump is great. (From one gallumper to another) I accept that my gazelle days are over and have got to the stage where the ownership of a pontail would constitute a nuisance...

henpen your so right, and you made me laugh which is always good

I am a plodder. A weary trudge is the norm but no matter as it gets me quite a long way, and I am going further and further as I get fitter. At 56 I'm not going to get much quicker but that's not really the point. I run to be fit and to keep weight off, and I really enjoy it
I hope you will too. Happy running

Thanks everyone of you, feel so much better, great support x

Congratulations on another run in the bag. I don't know about feeling like a baby elephant I fear I look like one, plodding along. But whether you're plodding, galumphing or fleet of foot what matters is that you are getting out there and doing something positive for you, you are running be proud.

Stick with it. I don't run particularly fast but no matter how slow we go, we'll always be runing faster than if we were sat at home in front of the telly! Focus on the positives you've highlighted and enjoy it! Good luck with the rest of C25K!