Completed w2 yesterday and popped into my local Life Store to be weighed etc and I've lost 4lb in two weeks weighing in at 12s 3lbs. I'm looking to lose 1lb a week to get me down to 11s 7lbs from 12s 7lb so I'm well ahead of my target Exercise, cutting back on cakes, biscuits, crisps, etc seems to be working
Lost weight, too :): Completed w2 yesterday and... - Couch to 5K
Lost weight, too :)
Very well done. Ur really tackling it for sure. The plan is great and feels good on many levels xxx
Lol. You're more than welcome to have them, KittyKat The reason they got the chop was because I was going straight for them directly after my main meal and again about 9.00 at night. It was becoming a habit and usually when I was bored. I still allow myself a few squares of chocolate each night with my coffee but just limit the amount now
Well done on finishing week 2 and also on your weight loss. A reduction of about 1 - 2 lbs a week is considered the safe rate at which to lose it. Good luck with the start of week 3 and your continued weight loss. Best wishes.
I'd be up all night back and forward to the loo! Mind you, that would burn calories wouldn't it
That's really good ! Hope you can keep it up when the going gets really tough...
Good good! i'm following your steps, hope I will also follow your loss of weight
awesome Paul!
I'm on the same journey
but dairn it ... I'm keeping my 1x aftereight piece with coffie! not ready to give that little pleasure up alredy:S
how are you with "cheat days" ? where you are allowed to go a bit naughty and eat some of that cake n crisps and other jumminess?
I know my cheatdays keep me sane and relativity "good" during the rest of the week