Dragged myself outta bed & forced on my trainers this morning. I found run 1 on Sat was horrendous so was dreading it! I found it very hard but nailed it!!! I'm not sure if I'm ready for run 3, but think I'll give it a go on Wednesday.... Gulp!!!
Week 6 run 2....,. Better than 1 but still tou... - Couch to 5K
Week 6 run 2....,. Better than 1 but still tough.... Am I ready for run 3?

You'll be fine get those trainers on and off you go. You did last weeks 20mins so what's another 5? Belive in yourself I'm starting week 8 and am doing a 6k race this Thursday for Breast Cancer here in france, even if I haven't graduated yet but I'll get those km done!!!!
Well done completing the second run of the 'tough' week 6. You've got the worst bit over and done with now though. Yes, I'd say you are ready to tackle the final run of the week. The 25 minute run will give you a chance to get into your stride - it's a bit easier than the intervals, nonetheless, still bear in mind to treat it with a lot of respect. Go very, very, slow and steady and try to focus on the horizon, or the next bit of your route - try not to look at the ground at all. I look forward to seeing your successful post on Wednesday. Good luck and very best wishes.

I found W6R1 really tough after the high of W5R3, and the second one not much better but I managed run 3 - and beyond. I am sure you can do it!!
It's a bit of a change in mental pace from now on as you get into long runs with no walking so you need to get your head around that. But have faith on yourself, and in Laura - you will be more than ready. Good luck

Well done Lisa, say goodbye to those pesky intervals and wave hello to some serious distances. Ooh errr, now I've written that it sounds kinda scary! I did r2 this morning as well and, tough as it was, it wasn't as bad as r1. Didn't feel the urge to cling on to every passing lamppost and pant like an exhausted greyhound this time, so that's got to be progress! Are you planning on Wednesday for r3? Good luck and keep me posted xxx

My first 2 runs of week six have generally been a bit if a disaster of dying iPods, shoes laces and coots but I am going to give run 3 a go, I am sure we will both be fine
OMG sounds like you've had a nightmare .... Here's to an awesome run 3!!!!! Lotsa luck xxxx let me know how yours goes!!!!
Hoping to get out tomorrow, husband has said he will walk dog if I want to go out without the distraction
Might be worth taking him up on the offer - you need to get into and keep your stride for this one. Cheers.
Hi JustLisa, you can do it. You've done Runs 1 and 2 so you really can do it. I know I found the last 6 minutes difficult but I just remembered what I read on the forum - slow down a touch but don't stop. Remember, if it was easy, it isn't pushing your fitness levels up! Just think back to the last run you thought was tough but how you felt afterwards and keep this with you during Run 3. Plus, you have come this far and no-one can take those achievements away from you so having a go at Run 3 won't hurt. Looking forward to reading your next post once you go and do it

Run 2 was a definite improvement on run 1, although it may just have been our more realistic expectations,I don't know about you but I didn't try to break the land speed record this time around! My legs are feeling it for sure now though, probably is time to update the crappy old runners for something a bit more becoming of a bona fide 'runner'- I think I've shown enough commitment by now to deserve a treat. Great to hear you got through it today, I'm sure you'll do great for r3.

Good luck Wednesday. I have found this week really hard too. My legs and feet have been aching and heavy the afternoon after and next day. I will be joining you on Wednesday for run three. Week 7 we are coming to get you !!!