Week 9 - The Pinnacle, Disappointment and a Di... - Couch to 5K

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Week 9 - The Pinnacle, Disappointment and a Discovery........!

75 Replies

The disappointment started when I woke up - it was raining. Eventually, it dried up a bit but the breeze was well under way - so it was too chilly to wear my skin tight Lycra! Most disappointing.

I decided that my graduation run should be in the park where I did most of my running - the park has served me well and I felt it was only fair to include said Country Park in my success. As usual, the run was uneventful until the last minute or so. That's when I made the discovery that, yes, it is possible to continue running with your knees together! This meant, of course, that I couldn't do a sprint finish. As soon as Laura said the 30 minutes was up and I could walk again.....I dived behind a nearby bush! Once I felt more comfortable I continued with the warm down walk.

Anyway, that was my final run of C25K and I am now a graduate. I would like to thank everyone in this community for the encouragement and support I received and the NHS for these wonderful podcasts which kept me going on the runs themselves. I would also like to thank Josh Clark, who wrote the original C25K programme.

Well, new pathways now open to me and I will probably do an exploratory run/walk interval outing on Monday as I've seen some lovely trails around the park that I haven't explored yet and intervals would be a good, safe way of exploring them.

Best wishes to you all and special wishes to those graduating with me this weekend.

75 Replies
Trizzy37 profile image

Congratulations on graduating! Hope you have loads of fun exploring your potential new routes! :)

no-excuse profile image

That's fantastic Fitmo well done! I love the picture. Keep posting about your future runs, and keep up your good advice on here. I am sure you have motivated many people to get out there and run. x

seenthelight profile image

Congratulations Fitmo and good luck with your future runs. You must be feeling great right now. I'm just behind you, did w9r1 this morning. Hoping to graduate Thursday if my knee holds out. Hope to continue to see you on the forum.

in reply to seenthelight

Your knee will hold out and I will see your graduation post on Thursday. Good luck and best wishes.

shivashinn profile image

Congratulations and enjoy your future runs. I'll be starting week 8 in a few days :)

Latte_Lady profile image

Congratulations Fitmo - love the photo!

Oldgirl profile image

Well done you, and I love your photo and park, how lucky you are to be able to run somewhere as lovely. Wear you graduate badge with pride its been well earned.

in reply to Oldgirl

Thank you. The park is lovely but I am luckier than many people may realise. About 500 yards in the direction I am facing is the gate to the marina where I live - the marina is, quite literally, set just on the edge of the park. Best wishes.

e174 profile image

Massive congratualtions Fitmo, you must be feeling really chuffed! I had a good giggle at your predicament though hee hee etc.

I know I speak for other people who are early C25Kers when I say that you are incredibly encouraging and kind on these boards so a massive thank you back for all your support and help to everyone else.

Now go and do something lovely to celebrate!


Gingerbreadman profile image

Woohoo!!!!! Well done, love the photo :-). Keep up the running & posting. I've just finished week 7 and thinking it's going to be weird running without Laura!

in reply to Gingerbreadman

You need not be running without Laura. I'm looking forward to being able run now without a podcast (on leisure runs such the exploratory one I'm planning for Monday) but I still need structure for improvement so there are the follow on's with Laura - Stepping Stones, Speed and Stamina. I can just be that bit flexible now I've finished the basic programme. Best wishes.

Congratulations!!! Well deserved x

poppypug profile image

Aw well done Fitmo ! You are an inspiration to us all :-) Hope you will keep us updated on your further progress, the skys the limit for you now and you've got your well deserved shiny new badge , brilliant stuff, I am so pleased for you xx

in reply to poppypug

I'm looking in and chasing people up already! I'll keep posting and let you know how it all goes. Cheers.

Many thanks to you all for replying and for your good wishes. I'll do a few individual replies and something a bit more detailed later. At the moment I'm still a bit overwhelmed so I'm off to Tesco to spend my pocket money on luxuries like washing up liquid, etc. Helps to swell their profits! Be back later folks. Cheers and best wishes.

Rupertlebear profile image

Massive congratulations from me too fitmo. Great to see the G word next to your name.

And what a perfect running path - not a hill in sight!! lol

Thanks for all your encouraging words over the last few weeks.


in reply to Rupertlebear

Ah well, that's what I like about the area where I live - flat as a pancake pretty much everywhere. Many thanks for your kind comments - I shall reciprocate when you graduation post goes up tomorrow. Cheers.

pot58 profile image

Wow great to hear you did it.Love the picture....I would like to thank you for your encouragement.I hope you will stay on the forum!!!

Debs972 profile image

Congratulations Fitmo!! Thank you so much for all of your encouragement, it has been really inspirational to see you progress to graduating!

runner56 profile image

Three cheers for Fitmo!!!

Hip hip hooray

Hip hip hooray


I am really chuffed for you. :-D :-D :-D Your words of encouragement have helped many a poster on the form. A well deserved graduation. I wish you every success with your future running

runningmummy71 profile image

Congratulations Fitmo it is wonderful to see that highly prized graduation badge next to your name!! You must feel so elated to have finally completed the programme. Good luck for your future running and many thanks for all the support you have offered to myself and others :) Keep us posted on your running.

All my very Best Wishes x

spoonierunning profile image

Wooohooo well done and a massive congratulations

AncientMum profile image

Congratulations Fitmo, very well done. Enjoy your new graduate status. You should be very proud indeed!!

cathymolly profile image

Many congratulations! Thank you for motivating so many of us beginners along the way. It was good to see the well deserved graduate title next to your name. Happy Running!

Don't mind in the slightest. If you are ever anywhere near Bedford do let me know and pop in for a cuppa. Thank you for your kind comments. My treat tonight will be either a Chinese or fish and chips - I am so not going to cook. Cheers.

aliboo70 profile image

Well done fitmo! :) hope you enjoy your post grad runs and get out exploring! Congratulations!

Many thanks you's to everyone. Graduating was exciting but it's all the nice things people are saying that has made it all so wonderful. I'll be sticking around on the forum, as do so many other graduates, to continue giving encouragement to those of you starting out and those who are hot on my heels - you'll probably get fed up with me!. Amazingly, graduation does come around a lot sooner than you think so enjoy the journey. Best wishes.

misswobble profile image

Way to go Mo! Many congratulations indeedy. You must feel mightily relieved. Have you celebrated yet?

in reply to misswobble

Thank you. I decided on a Chinese and several glasses of red to celebrate.! Then, I think, it will be an early night with a book and a mug of Ovaltine because today has been overwhelming. Cheers.

ajwyld profile image

Hoooraaaaaaaaaaaaay - well done you !

Miles_Yonder profile image

Congratulations, Fitmo! A HUGE congratulations and a very very very well done! :-) Your nice new, shiny Graduate badge does look grand! :-) I imagine this is where the running gets really interesting! :-)

in reply to Miles_Yonder

Thank you. I think the interest will be starting something like Stepping Stones/Speed/Stamina for structure, a short run for exercise and a longer one with walk/run intervals to explore new territory. There are so many options I feel spoilt for choice. Cheers.

misswobble profile image

Oooooh lovely Ovaltine, mmmmmmmmmmmm. Good choice! You can fall off to sleep and dream in slow motion stylee to strains of Chariots of Fire, imagining you're crossing the marathon finish line ahead of the other Mo. We'll all be cheering for you of course, but he thinks everyone is cheering for him!!!! Sad loser that he is, as he trails is your glorious wake. And then you wake up, and your husband is nudging you, to tell you the Elsan is full and it's your turn. LOL

in reply to misswobble

And a tiny drop of brandy in the Ovaltine!

Azores profile image

Very well done Fitmo (GRADUATE) many congratulations. I love your posts and you must be so pleased to have completed particularly after that health scare. Hope you find some great new runs and don't forget to tell us about them.

in reply to Azores

I believe there are plenty of runs I haven't discovered yet so I will be sticking around and posting about them. Thank you for your kind comment and would I be right in thinking you are close to graduating yourself? Cheers.

Ullyrunner profile image

Well congratulations! Been watching your posts with interest. You've done so well, you must be feeling very proud.

Tadaruns profile image

Good for you!

ChrisL profile image

Well done Fitmo. I am very pleased for you. You have always been so very positive & encouraging to others on this forum as you have progressed through C25K. Wear your grad badge with pride.

Rob_and_his_westie profile image

Congratulations. Onwards and upwards now and thank you for your encouraging my recent efforts.

tomlertoos profile image

Hey Fitmo! Absolutely top banana girl! Knew you'd do it....have been looking for your post! It looks great to see Graduate next to your name! Love the photo too! Have a super Sunday and good luck with your run tomorrow....

GoogleMe profile image

Bravo Fitmo! What a lovely post. It has been great following your progress and I look forward to hearing how you get on as a graduate. Enjoy!

Congratulations. Fantastic achievement, and wonderful to hear about your progress. I look forward to hearing more about your post C25k journey.

YJB1 profile image

Congratulations! Loved your post :) x

yonda1960 profile image

Well done Fitmo, so pleased to see you graduate. Well deserved.

Run_rabbit_run profile image

Whoop whoop! Congratulations Fitmo! I'm so pleased for you. Loving the Graduate badge next to your name - suits you very well :) looking forward to reading how you get on post-grad.

kickibro profile image

Congratulations Fitmo! Very well done. You are such a love to be so encouraging of everyone too. Running in a country park sounds wonderful. Have you got any races lined up?

in reply to kickibro

Thank you. I'm doing R4L in Bedford in June.

misswobble profile image

I'm with you on the undiscovered foothpaths and trails Mo. I can't stand not having run one that I've tripped over on my running travels. I spotted one yesterday that I never knew existed. I check them out with the dog first, in case it's a bit dodgy. Mind you the dog is as soft as grease but the crims don't know that! LOL

Tinyrun profile image

Well done. You can enjoy your new badge. Onwards and upwards.

Tattoojunkie30 profile image

Well done fitmo and welcome to the graduate group! Feels wonderful to have that after your name doesn't it? And good luck on the exploring the park!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done that lady. You have done a great job, both running and on this forum to help others along the way. Best of luck for your future running.

Keep running,keep smiling.

danzargo profile image

Thats just brilliant fitmo! Well done you.

nrg_girl profile image

Congrats!! Great photo!

mossy1 profile image

Well done to you. Just found your post - I have been off for a while helping the OH with his lambing ( still keeping the running going - as well as chasing sheep!) but wanted to send my congratulations. A big well done and it is testament to your support to others that you have so many responses. I thank you for giving me your support and wish you well with your future runs. Love the photo

Thank you all so much for your wonderful support and generous comments. It's been quite an overwhelming weekend one way and another. I actually enjoy giving support to others, criticism is generally so counter-productive, and I've had plenty of support come my way since I joined this community. May I wish all of you the very, very best.

waletta profile image

Sorry yet another one. Really well done. Have been counting down with you. Great picture too. You look pleased with yourself & so you should be.

TurboTortoise profile image

And yet another congratulations! You're a great and supportive presence on this forum, enjoy the new badge and looking forward to hearing about your first postgrad runs too...

ZoomZoom profile image

Well done. You might be interested to know that Danish Camp is a mere 5ks from your graduation photo :)

in reply to ZoomZoom

Yes, me and OH cycled there one mild and sunny day at the beginning of December last year. Not a place to run to yet as it's another 5K back and I'm not looking to do 10K yet - if at all. Do you live near here then?

ZoomZoom profile image
ZoomZoomGraduate in reply to

Yes I live in this town too. We might see each other although I live near Bedford Park, so my runs are generally around about there. Have you done parkrun yet?

in reply to ZoomZoom

No but I've been looking at their website and think I might give it a go in the next two or three weeks. Cheers.

ZoomZoom profile image
ZoomZoomGraduate in reply to

It would be lovely to see you there :)

in reply to ZoomZoom

I'll sort something out and PM you. Would be nice to meet someone there who's done it perhaps. Cheers.

stevo216 profile image

Congrats and good luck going forward. I am doing graduate run Monday myself. Fingers crossed!

in reply to stevo216

I look forward to your successful graduation post. Good luck and best wishes.

stevo216 profile image

Congratulations and good luck going forward. Fingers crossed I will be graduating on Monday.

stevo216 profile image


Nellyharte profile image

Well done fitmo so pleased you graduated as you have been so encouraging in your posts to everyone. Great photo and look forward to a run with you soon. :))

in reply to Nellyharte

I looked up your area on the map - it's not far. There is also another forum member in Bedford who does Parkrun here. Thanks for your good wishes about my graduation. Cheers.

That did make me laugh!! :D Thank you for sharing and well done on completing the programme! Amazing :) xx

I only just saw this post, I'm a bit late to the party, but, well done! :-D

That looks like a great route you've been running in the photo too.

Onwards and upwards and wishing you more happy running, "graduate" :-)

in reply to

Thank you. Here's hoping you will not now be too far behind once you start running again. Cheers.

juliewooly profile image

congratulations on your graduation. Have a fantastic time on your new runs/walks...such an amazing feeling getting to the end and looking back at your journey from 1st run Wk1 to now ...have a great wk-end


in reply to juliewooly

Thank you for your good wishes. It has been quite a journey. Got R4L in June and doing the Follow on podcasts (Stepping Stone, Stamina and Speed). Will be posting in due course as to how these are going. You have good bank holiday weekend as well.

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