Running with a dog.: Hi all, I just wanted to... - Couch to 5K

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Running with a dog.

JellyBaby83 profile image
24 Replies

Hi all,

I just wanted to know what peoples experiences were like when running with their dogs.

I am doing the week 4 runs atm and have been doing the training with my 3yo Labrador. Usually she is not bothered by the running and at times it seemed like she would look at me as if to say "is this as fast as you can go?". With W4R1 we both struggled (as expected for me) but when we got home I fed her and she went took herself off to bed. This is very unusual for her, normally she would stay with me and OH for the evening.

Is this common for dogs after running? I obviously don't want her to overdo things and I thought if she did the training with me she would also build her stamina up too. Does anyone take their dog out for long runs i.e. 10k as this is what I was hoping the end result would be for us both.


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JellyBaby83 profile image
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24 Replies
Windswept1 profile image

My 4 year old chocolate lab won't run at all. If I break into a trot she just slows down. However there is a black lab in the village that often runs with its owner and seems to enjoy it.

misswobble profile image

Yep, sensible advice. Not all dogs can run far. They might be able to run lightening fast for a very short time but not over distance. There is quite a bit of stuff about in on the web as I checked it out myself. There is a list of breeds and what they're capable of in running terms. I had a JR terrier and they have small hearts so can only do relatively short runs while a Dalmation could probably go all day. Your vet will advise on your pet. Week four is quite gentle though so that should be all right, but as you progress up to longer distances it would be worth the reassurance from your vet that it's ok for your dog. I do little jogs with the pug but he lets me know when he's had enough. LOL

in reply to misswobble

Thanks for this info. I wouldn't be taking my dog running with me but it's gratifying to know that it probably wouldn't be in his best interests anyway - ah yes, he's a JRT as well - only got him as a rescue 4 months ago. First JRT I've had. We are thinking of training him to sit in a bicycle basket so as to come on cycle rides with us. Best wishes.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to

We know some people with a Patterdale who runs and runs whilst they cycle (she has the offer of backpack or basket)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to

I'm new to JRTs too ! had mine 8 weeks now, he was rehomed from a relatives friend., has a few issues but good fun, don't think he would be good for running too far! i take him out first as a warm up walk for me pre-running! :) The dog in my photo is my old boy who i lost last july :(

in reply to aliboo70

Hi, I somehow think we've mentioned our dogs on another thread a little while ago when I also mentioned that I'd had to have my old chap put to sleep last November through severe arthritis. JRT's are a lot of fun but, boy, what a handful at times. But, as you say, lots of fun. Enjoy. Cheers.

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to

aah yes i think i remember now. yes definitely a handful, mine has bad eye so having to put drops in isn't much fun, wriggly little thing! :)

completerunner profile image

Running with your dog is a sport, and there are clubs set up to do this.. Example via link below

mustgetthin profile image
mustgetthinGraduate in reply to completerunner

Will have a look at this later!

poppypug profile image

Hello, I have 2 pugs,Doug my little black one would run all day , but Rocky my sandy one would rather spend 20 minutes sniffing at a leaf or with his head in a bush, so I keep them at home for my runs :-)

My cocker spaniel is happy to come out with me:- at the moment. We've got used to each other so he's happy to keep up at his own level. I take him out for my runs which are 30-40 mins but I'm not very fast, so we match each other speed wise. If I was faster or going for longer runs, I would leave him home as he's usually pooped out by the time we get home. He seems to enjoy the runs except when I include hills or the weather is bad. He also doesn't like running with me when I go out running when staying in London, probably because it's a different environment & also because I don't let him off the lead when running in London.

mustgetthin profile image

My dog is a Shepherd x whippet from RSPCA. She is 7 and has always loved to run like an idiot. Last time I did C25K we go up to 8 miles (She was probably doing 3x the distance). The routes I go in the summer are areas I know have water for her to cool herself off in at intervals and I always carry water as she will dehydrate a lot faster than me because she is off the lead and runs back and forth to me. I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't have her as I would be running alone... That probably wouldn't happen!


GoogleMe profile image

I always run with my dog. Well, occasionally we merely run in the same wood... although my running kit now tends to include chopped sausage warmed just before coming out and wrapped in foil which has improved her recall...

I've now got a hands free lead with a waist belt which means that when I go places I don't want her off the lead (eg the canal as there are water voles) it makes for a pleasanter run.

I hope your dog is back to normal now. Was she on the lead and could have strained something? Poorly foot? I have heard it recommended that dogs are not fed immediately after exercise to reduce the risk of bloat - I fervently hope it isn't that.

JellyBaby83 profile image
JellyBaby83 in reply to GoogleMe

Hi. I do run with her on a lead atm due to running around a residential area. I have seen these waist leads, how do you find them to run with? I'm hoping as I reach the end of the c25k plan to run in an area where she can be off lead so hopefully this will be better for her.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to JellyBaby83

It's good - you even get a spot of dog-assist on occasion. The lead has some bungee in it which makes it better for both parties.

Could be hot pavements... I'd say sore pads but you'd expect to see more licking I'd think?

completerunner profile image
completerunner in reply to JellyBaby83

JellyBaby83 profile image

Thanks for all the replies :-) The advise is greatly appreciated.

We went out again this evening and she was fine even after covering a longer distance. I think the problem may be that it was slightly to hot for her, even though we went out at 6.30. Tonight due to traffic it was 7.30 before we went and so a bit cooler. She is at the vets next week for immunisation boosters so I will double check with them that she is ok to run. But she is full of beans tonight so I'm not so worried now :-D

spoonierunning profile image

I run with my dog, well he mainly swims in the canal while I run. He is a sprocker spaniel so I've given up trying to keep him out of the water. Make sure it's not too hot when you go out. Also like us sometimes they just don't want to go out. If you are starting to go longer distances than you would have gone when walking her previously she will also be having to get used to the extra distance. But getting a vet check is a great idea for peace of mind

misswobble profile image

Fitmo, my husband took our JRT with him but he only let him run the return leg of the run. He had a blouson top with a waist band that could be gathered in and tied, so he'd get it all secure and then pop the dog into it. He was extra ballast but my husband got more of a work-out that way. LOL He never fell out of the bottom of the shirt, thankfully. When he got to the half way point he'd take the dog out and let him run back

Rignold profile image

I run with my dog, a 2 y.o. labrador, and while I am walking she runs on ahead and runs back to me waiting for me to 'catch up'. We're not sprinting and it is not a huge amount of time all told so for a young dog shouldn't be a problem. Both her parents are working dogs and spend a lot of their day running.

Only problem I have is I cannot run with her on a lead. She walks to heel on a lead very well, but as soon as we run it is chaos, entanglement and confusion. This rather limits the places we can run.

Today was our W4R1. My 14 yo daughter and our 3 yo yellow Labrador are my running partners! We (humans) are both a bit overweight and we struggled to do the 5 minute run, but things became even harder when Bella (the dog) decided she had enough of running and wanted to explore the woods! I had to jog on the spot and shout for her while my daughter kept on running. Eventually I had to run back and demand that she followed me! She did come to me and this was the first time we had a problem with her and our runs.

Becca66 profile image

I wonder what percentage of C25Kers run with dogs? I would not be out there without mine: he was useful 'cover' during the early runs when I felt like a fraud, and because he has to be exercised, I've kept up with the programme. Luckily he doesn't often have to go on a lead: he's just about walking, but a complete pain at a jog - pulls like a train.

JellyBaby83 profile image

Well we completed W5R3 today and although it was tough I think we both managed quite well! I find running with Sookie a great motivator, I'm not sure that I would have made it this far without her. I think she must have just been having a bad day the other week. Plus she gets so excited when she sees my running shoes come out of the cupboard I know that she enjoys it.

pwalker profile image

I love doing this with the dog, I wouldn't have time otherwise and the dog seems to benefit from the faster tempo.

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