Spring into Summer Quest week 2 - Feel free to... - Couch to 5K

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Spring into Summer Quest week 2 - Feel free to join

Realfoodieclub profile image
27 Replies

Welcome to the second week of the Spring into Summer Quest.

It is great to add some new names to the quest, so welcome to all our new members. There are some great goals that people are working towards.

I was asked the question this week if you had to post every week. Like the Quest itself it's a very personal thing. Whatever helps you through the coming six weeks. Every week I will put a post up on Monday morning where we can all talk to each other, but if you prefer just to read and not post that is fine too. The quest post is always read by a few people and if support is needed it will always be there. Good, bad or even indifferent runs can be shared. Advice can be sought. And definitely feel free to boast (or as we call it - sharing our achievements)

If you would like to see what the quest is all about here is a link.

























Miss wobble








Take care Rfc x

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Realfoodieclub profile image
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27 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I will start this week off. Training is going well, 5x50 fits in so neatly with what I am trying to do. I am having trouble keeping myself from training 7 days a week. I walk on rest days. With the triathlon I have three disciplines to train for and two of them I am not very good at. The swim is going great, doing my drills is such fun. My OH was so helpful this week, as on a day off he suggested we cycled round Richmond park, took an hour and a half, nearly 12 km, I coped ok, had to walk up a few hills, but In fairness, I am sure they were mountains In Disguise. That brings me on to the running. What can I say. I am missing my three runs as I can only fit two in now so as not to stress my muscles. I did a 3km run and it was round the track where the race is. 3 laps of the 5 I have to do. I swear it is either up or down hill there isn't one inch of flat. That threw me for six. I haven't done much work on up and down. I keep feeling my running will let me down. I know I am a slow burner. So this week my running plan. Is one longer distance and one stamina podcast. I think I have to get a bit more technical with my running. Did some strength training last week and I could feel that made a difference to my runs. My advice is be careful not to overdo squats, couldn't sit down without a grimace for days. Happy running everyone.

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

You are going well, and will be so fit at the end of this quest. Hope the after effects of the squats have eased off now :)

ajwyld profile image

Quite please with myself for sticking to my plan last week. I went out Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tuesday was "just a run", Thursday i gave the "speed" podcast a whirl, and Saturday I went for increasing my distance. Downloaded the previous week's Saturday Live podcast from Radio 4 and off I went. Very chuffed to have done 5.5km in 50 minutes. My goal for April is to build up to 6k, so that seems nice and doable.

The "speed" podcast was weird, because although I got very hot and sweaty and I felt like I'd had a good workout, runkeeper claims my average pace was about 14 minutes/km - which is waaaaaay slower than I walk. (For comparison, Saturday I was below 10minuts/km all the way through, when I was deliberaty trying to pace myself so as to keep going for longer.) So I suspect that runkeeper had a bad attack of gremlins.

Plans for this week:

Monday: "just a run" - 30 minutes without any speed or distance goal. Basically I will set runkeeper to give me 15 minute reminders (so I know when to turn back) and go run round my local park listening to my own music. Forecast is for HOT (26C).

Wednesday "speed" podcast - will see if runkeeper behaves this time !

Saturday or Sunday: 5.5km again (in the afternoon I suspect)

BoltonJanet21 profile image

Mine isn't going so well at the moment. Since graduating a few weeks ago, I've been struggling with the 30 minute jogs. This week I am going to start the stepping stones podcasts to see if those help me.

ajwyld profile image
ajwyldGraduate in reply to BoltonJanet21

Maybe try changing your route ? Or listening to something different ? (I like radio4 podcasts as they tend to distract me from the actual running, but each to her own).

BoltonJanet21 profile image
BoltonJanet21Graduate in reply to ajwyld

I did listen to Ricky Gervais pod casts with Karl pilkington. Kept nearly tripping up with laughing!

Last week, I managed my 4 runs but had to contend with lack of sleep and illness, so did 4x interval training.

I have found a bridge to 8k & bridge to 10k programme which I will be following. I did my first run of this today and am aiming to go out at least 4, hopefully 5 times this week.

in reply to

I made it for my four runs this week. My plans for a 5th run were scuppered at the weekend due to combination of a bad panic attack and bruised ankle. I'm going away for the bank holiday this week, so am going to make sure I get 4 runs in this week and then anything else will be a bonus.

I only managed 3 runs last week not the 4 I hoped I would acheive. I forgot it was parents night and just did not have time for the run on Tuesday evening. The other 3 runs were enjoyable, I ran 1 "every day" run for 30 minutes, the Speed podcast and a run which included a long steep hill I have been trying to avoid. I was very please when I managed to get to the top. So all in all not what I had planned but I'm quite please with my progress. This week I will try again to get out for 4 runs Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Good running everyone.

lizziebeth57 profile image

Under the weather again this last week. Have had viral laryngitis (self diagnosed of course), so sore glands, fevered and no voice. Not a squeak for 2 days and now just a croak. Alas not a single run this last week, which is the first time this year I've not done my 3 or 4 runs per week :(

Fed up, but am feeling a bit better, so maybe get out tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to lizziebeth57

Sorry you still not feeling great Beth Feel your frustration but don't be tempted to do too much too soon

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to Fitfor60

Thanks Rona, a good reminder to 'ca canny'.

ch77as profile image

Week 8, run 1 yesterday morning in the rain. We are on course to complete the C25k programme in a couple of weeks, each of which should last about 9 days. We need the extra recovery time and this has ensured that we both remain relatively injury free. My own personal target of a 5k Park Run towards the end of April or early May is still looking quite good. We covered 3.64km yesterday in the 28 minutes and both me and Nuttynelly feel we could have gone on a bit further.

Sorry to learn that some are having bother and feeling unwell.I suppose rest is out of the question for Graduates? Is there a worry that short periods of inaction will develop into longer periods? Our motivation is the great feeling we get when we run, so I can imagine that this is what drives you out in all weathers when you are not feeling great.

Take care everyone.

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to ch77as

I am smiling as I read your question about rest being out of the question for graduates :)

I know I am so used to physical activity (have walked for an hour or so each day for the last 10 years or so and these last 8 months run 3 to 4 times a week) that I get very 'antsy' if I can't get out. If i was really really ill I wouldn't feel that but when i am just a bit ill I do. In any case I have decided to just gracefully accept I can't run just now and will go out when I feel back to 100%.

sounds like you are doing well though and enjoying yourselves too. Park run at the end of the month sounds like a great goal. Have a great week.

ajwyld profile image
ajwyldGraduate in reply to lizziebeth57

You could always try a brisk walk instead of a run - or even a stroll if you don't feel up to that.

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to ajwyld

Thanks ajwyld, I have been getting out each day but it has just been for a stroll. I managed about 7k yesterday but just don't have the energy to do anything more challenging than that - and missing it.

Fitfor60 profile image

Runs went ok this week Got new PB 33.13 at park run so really pleased -- first time no wind /gales so that probably explained improvement Overslept this morning so only had time for 30 min run and was bit annoyed as it was perfect conditions Anyway decided to try to increase speed and really enjoyed it Unfortunately still eating too too much but not quite as stressed about it Think I have accepted that few extra pounds gain is not end of world and I am sure that when I get back in the zone I will be able to tackle that last stone Good luck to everyone with this weeks running

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to Fitfor60

Congratulations on a new PB and glad you didn't have the gales to contend with this time - and you are right, a few pounds isn't the end of the world, things will shift when you are ready!

Latte_Lady profile image

My goal is to run 2.5 miles in 30 minutes and last night managed my best distance so far of 2.07miles. Weather permitting, I should do W9R3 tomorrow night. Have listened to the post C25K podcasts, they sound scarily fast so am going to repeat W9 next week and push myself to go that bit further each time. Does anyone have any tips on how to increase speed?

in reply to Latte_Lady

Interval training or Fartlek training (Speedplay) is a good way to increase speed. If you want further info, let me know.

beachy_2014 profile image
beachy_2014Graduate in reply to

I'd like further info please...like Latte the post C25K podcasts are too fast for me yet...I want to know how to increase my speed so I can do 5K in 30 mins and not 55!!! I'm carrying quite a lot of extra weight but losing a kilo a week which am sure is helping but still my hips just don't seem to work that fast! :)

in reply to beachy_2014

A fartlek session can be either the easiest or hardest thing you do all week. It’s a Swedish term meaning ‘speed play’, and it basically consists of fast, medium and slow running over a variety of distances.

Here’s how a typical fartlek session would work. After a steady warm-up, simply pick a landmark – for example a tree, lamp-post, or phone box – and run to it hard, then jog until you’ve recovered. Then pick another landmark, run hard to that, recover and so on.

There doesn’t need to be a set structure to the run. For your first quick burst you might choose a target that’s just 100m away and sprint to it flat out. Then for the next hard run you’ll see something 800m away and stride towards it at your 5K race pace.

It’s entirely up to you how hard or easy you make the session. Unlike track intervals, fartlek doesn’t require you to set a distance to run, or a time to recover. A watch isn’t necessary (although in the absence of landmarks you can use one to pick different times for your hard sections), as you listen to your body to determine your recoveries. After a hard spurt, jog until you’ve got your breath back, the lactic acid has drained from your legs, and your heart’s stopped thumping. Then go again.

If you want to add a bit of specificity, short, fast bursts will help you sharpen your pure speed, which is most important for races like 5Ks and 10Ks. Longer periods of speed help to raise your anaerobic threshold, which improves your speed endurance – ideal for 10-milers and half-marathons. In reality, though, both of these components contribute to good race performances at any distance from the mile to the marathon, so it’s best to mix and match the length of the bursts.

If you want to add an unexpected element to fartlek training, run with a friend and take it in turns to call the next fast leg.

in reply to beachy_2014

here's the link to info about interval training: couldn't post it yesterday for some reason.


helcl profile image

This has been a very good week so far. My goal was to run 5km 3 times a week, and when this quest started I hadn't run it once. Well, we are in centerparcs on holiday this week, and I ran 5km non stop on Sunday, and today I ran 6 km, so I'm over the moon about that. I'm cycling every other day to try and train for the London to Brighton bike ride, but that's another story. I'm planning a 10k race towards the end of the summer now.

ajwyld profile image

Going well so far this week. Monday was lovely and sunny and HOT (26C!!!) So I dug my shorts out and went for a nice gentle 30 minute jog round the park. Today its cooler because the wind has got up, so even better running weather (still sunny). Stuck to my plan and did the Speed podcast. Still clueless about running in time to the beat, so just tried to run faster during the fast bits a slower during the recovery bits. Its a good workout !! Plan for the weekend will be to do 5.5km again - probably Saturday or Sunday afternoon ! Happy running everyone !!

Tinyrun profile image

Eek not done much at all!. Will try to do some more runs, well more than 1! Hadeha. Good luck all.

ajwyld profile image

This weekend was busier than I expected it to be, so I didn't manage to fit in a long run. So I settled for a 30 minute jog round the park. Means I've done the 3 runs I planned though, so that will do me.

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