I graduated 2 weeks ago. Apart from 1 run, I am still struggling to do the 30 minutes and I'm still slow. My legs have felt like lead this week especially. I'm getting a bit worried as I'm nowhere near 5k and have entered the Race for Life. I know it's 2 months away but I would've thought I would be finding it a bit easier by now and would be speeding up a bit. Did this happen to anyone else who graduated?
After graduation: I graduated 2 weeks ago. Apart... - Couch to 5K
After graduation

I think a lot of people go through a post-graduation slump psychologically or actually in their running. You have a great target to aim for now - reaching 5k - and as you've got this far, I'm sure you'll manage it.
Don't do yourself down over being slow. You CAN run for 30 minutes
If you're struggling to do 30 minutes, you're probably starting too fast and then not able to sustain it, so start slow and steady and speed up towards the end IF you have any extra energy. Have you tried the Stepping Stone podcast? That starts at a gentle pace and builds up during the run. Stamina is similar but harder, and Speed (as the name would imply) is good for getting you to run faster.
You could also try looking at how far you can run now and add a little bit on for the next 4-6 weeks till you get to 5k. It doesn't have to be for every run of the week.
Above all, try to enjoy your runs for what they are, look back at how far you've come, and look at all the positives that have come because of your running.

Congratulations on graduating That's a big achievement Before I did my first 5k park run I was only managing to run 3k in 30 mins so I had decided to walk the rest BUT on the day when I got to 3k I just thought maybe I could run little bit more so kept going and in end ran whole 5k So you prob find on the day you will do the same However lots of people walk race for life so you would be fine if you had to walk some of the route. I totally agree with rnberuit Slow down especially at start and you will surprise yourself . I felt 'lost' without structure of c25k so followed bupa beginners 10 k plan It's 3 runs a week and again you can repeat weeks I had no plan to run 10k but loved being able to tick off each run on sheet you can print So slow and steady and good luck - you' ll do it

Definitely no shame in walking bits. Lots of people walk race for life. Read Danzargos post about his 10k too.

I am intending to walk/run the 14 klm Sydney City to Surf race this August. I have a "plan" to do it in 2 hours and will probably use a 2minute:1 minute run:walk ratio. The important thing is to painlessly FINISH the race

I graduated about a month ago and I am still only able to run just over 3k (and I mean a smidgeon over) in the 30 mins. From support on here, lots of people told me they were the same. After all, only been running for a relatively short time. One run
I tried running quite a bit faster and all that happened was I was unable to complete 30 mins I was so out of breath with heart pounding. If on the treadmill, I start slowly and if I feel ok, speed up towards the last 5 minutes and sometimes go on for an additional 5 minutes. Big thing is that you are getting out there. If you are like me, I could barely manage the 60 second runs of week 1 when I started. Good luck and enjoy. I had a target of a park run April but think it will be May now as I really do want to run the whole way but that's ok too. Have fun.

I know how you feel, everything is focused on getting to run the race. As lots of people have said here you'll be fine on the day, you know that whatever you put into that race will be your utmost best and no one could ask any more of you, even yourself. Speed and distance will come and years down the line you will find this post and think wow did I really feel like that, that is a small run now. We all progress at our own speed and pace, I made the mistake of putting so much pressure on myself to get to 5k I stopped enjoying it for a while and that was a shame. Good luck but most importantly have fun.
Hey, don't worry about the Race for Life, you can always walk some of it. I've signed up to do it also in June and I've only just completed W6 of this programme, I can probably manage about two and a half to three kilometres at the moment. I am consciously planning to walk some of it - see how I am on the day. People in my area who have done it told me it's a wonderful atmosphere on the day of the race so I am just going to enjoy myself, run what I can and walk the rest. I've improved enormously since taking a more philosophical approach to the C25K. Good luck and best wishes.

I am going to start the stepping stones podcasts and will check out the bupa one. Thanks for the replies! They are very helpful and knowing I am not the only one!

I had a go at the stepping stones one this afternoon. It was hard work but I enjoyed it! Probably just the push I needed!