It's addictive this running lark, isn't it?! I was looking forward to my evening run all day, so couldn't wait to get out there and get started. I was so surprised to find myself jogging along at a fairly decent pace, thoroughly enjoying the wind in my hair and taking out my stresses and worries on the run- definitely found the sport for me I think, even though I hated running with a passion at school and would do absolutely anything to get out of it! It's a wonderful sense of personal achievement to finish Week 1, as I'm certainly on the chubby side, but combined with healthy eating, I've lost 5lb since I started running and it feels great to see the scales going down for once! I know it's going to get harder, but I can't wait to get started on it! Roll on Week 2!
Woohoo!! Week 1 all complete! Bring on Week 2!! - Couch to 5K
Woohoo!! Week 1 all complete! Bring on Week 2!!

Good stuff Debs. Take care though, as you can get over-enthusiastic and tweak something as easy as blinking if you go too fast too soon. Let your body get used to the new level of exercise, easing gently into the programme, to ensure you get to the end of the 9 weeks without any dramas. It sounds as if you're really enjoying yourself. Happy running!
Thanks! Haha, I know, I did make myself slow down, as I was running a bit fast and leaving my sister behind, so reined myself back a bit I am thoroughly enjoying myself it has to be said- getting fitter and loosing weight too- bonus!

It's great isn't it? Really well done.
In week 3 Laura teels you that bouncing while running is wasted energy and if someone sees your head while you are behind a hedge then they shouldn't be able to tell if you are running or walking. I could have done with this advice in week 1 as I think that's how I knackered my knees. Following this advice my pace has slowed right down so just be careful how fast you go at the beginning.
Well done on completing week 1 - you sound very positive about the programme. Good luck with week 2. Best wishes.

Hi Debs! I can sense your total enjoyment and enthusiasm! I've just started Week 7 and still have a smile on my face before, during and after each session! So glad you are getting so much from this experience....there's nothing like it!