Well, following on from my last post I saw the physio on Friday. Very interesting session.
After much checking and examining and getting me to walk up and down his room in my bra and knickers ( "walk naturally, he says!"). Yeah.
OK, so end result is he says I am landing on my toes which is putting great pressure on my ankles and calves. My glutes are weak and not taking the brunt of the runs which they should do! And my calves are so tight they need "stripping down and rebuilt". Gosh.
He said, "Do you really want to run?"
Do you really want to run? Are you nuts? I haven't gone through all of this to give up now and NOT run. I've got a Garmin for GAWD's sake!
My last question to him was "can I run tomorrow?". No.
So, I'm booked in for a sports massage on my calves tomorrow (ouch!) and I need to learn how to land lightly on my heel, mid foot then toe. I've got to do lots of glutes exercises too. I am so passionate about running now that I WILL learn how to run and land and I will start from scratch again if I need to.
I told an experienced running friend all this today and she said that runners would give anything to land on their toes! Not my physio apparently.
Oh, and there is a question over my running shoes which I should resolve tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes!
In the meantime, I can't run.
Keep praying to the gods of running for me.