I'm on a bit of a panthering roll at the moment, I think its the warmer weather.
I did my long run today...my lad had to be collected at 2k with a sore knee
I was quite weary both emotionally and physically and I took it real slow...
At 12k I walked as I was tired, and I heard the sound of water. I could see a brook and I was so hot and I had drunk all of my water. It came out by the road and it was so pretty, all sparkly from the sun and clear. I decided to get in and took my shoes and socks off ( see pic)....I won't ever forget that delicious moment, it felt so fresh and refreshingly icy on my hot,sweaty toes!! I ate a few randoms and basked in the sun splashing in the water. Quite a few people went by on bikes grinning and smiling. Then one couple went passed and the woman said to her fella,
'I've always wanted to do that,' and he said,
'Well...why don't you?'
And they carried on cycling and I carried on splashing my feet in the deliciously sparkly water enjoying the moment......Then off I went again and I got to 15k stopping at SPAR for some fluids!!!
Sometimes you have to sieze the moment, and follow your gut instinct even if your brain is saying things like, 'Cant do that, no time, what about the dinner...cat...dog...granny...blah blah blah...'
I just wanted to share that as it really made me think about my own life too...sometimes its about taking risks and making a leap, doing something different and stopping just to take in life when the moment is there.....
Happy panthering