A tale of warning........All set for first outside run with son but it went badly wrong. First of all being a new graduate I thought I could go it alone without Laura, so didn't walk five minutes, started running too fast too early, son too fast - couldn't do it!! On top of that I have always had a dodgy back but it hasn't bothered me on the treadmill but the combination of old trainers and causeway means I am suffering today. So, new trainers ordered, lesson learned, few days rest, possible next one on treadmill and then back out there!
Horrible run: A tale of warning........All set... - Couch to 5K
Horrible run

I find that even the 5 minutes walking isn't enough warm -up. I include some slower running at the beginning as part of the warm-up process - even though it counts as part of the run. I am possibly being just a little too conservative with my C25K running - as I seem to have plenty of energy at the end of each one. HOWEVER - I am soon to face the 20-30 minute runs so we will see how that goes.
I agree Bazza. I do a couple minutes of walking & then intersperse all sorts of weird leg exercises (long strides, high knees, fast steps etc) to get my old joints prepared for the onslaught. If I don't then the first 30 seconds of the running interval is just hopeless.
I think there is a clue in the name - 'warm-up' - If you ain't warm by the end of it then you ain't warmed up.

Oh dear... Yes the 5 min warm up walk is vital, and don't get put off running outside especially now as spring is coming.... Hope you feel better soon...

Yes I agree warm up walk so important. But as you say lessons learned. We all are on a journey of learning where running is concerned, just because we graduate doesn't mean we know it all. I have never run with anyone but every time I see someone I know my running gets faster. I have lost count of the times my vanity has almost crippled me, hehe. For some reason I am not good at learning that one. Hope everything feels better soon.

I'm sorry you had a bad one but It's a mistake you won't make again. I do the warm up and I start slowly. This is how my body likes it. By the end my speed is up and when I do the warm down I need to go a bit longer to stop the aches the next day. I did this the last time I did the program too. I got up to running 8 miles before a knee injury
Don't let it get you down. Look forward to your next run. Hope you back is better soon. S X

That 5 minute warm up is important to loosen up any tight muscles, but you know that now. Don't be put off running outside, just take it easy, get used to the elements and be more aware of trip hazards that you don't have to worry about on a treadmill. We all have horrible runs now and again, cast them behind you but learning from them is also good, so it may have been horrible but not a 'bad' run as we so often call them.

Thank you all for your replies, they are really appreciated!
Good luck for your next run, hope it is better for you. I'm a new graduate too and hoping that i can still carry on with the next stage. You will enjoy being outdoors i'm sure, hope your new trainers do the trick

I've always run outside, with my dog and just recently had my first ever run with another human (who for reasons best known to herself isn't doing C25K) and although in many ways it was lovely, it has taken me a long time to recover from it. Part of that was running with someone who wasn't doing the walks at the beginning and end, and whose strategy was to run until she got puffed then walk then run a bit, so was not going at a steady sustainable pace.
Just a thought - it may be worth continuing to run with each other. You don't have to keep up with each other. Everyone runs differently/has different levels of fitness. I have some very fit friends in the Navy who run marathons at the drop of a hat. Whenever I visit them or they come to see me, we go for a run. I do my 5 minute warm up walk, and whatever my schedule is meant to be for me. Depending on where they are in their training, they may keep pace with me (using it as a recovery run for them) or, they carry on running at their speed, but then keep looping back so they run back to me, run back out, run back to me etc. Or we use our respective "speeds" as a way to carry out interval training: for example, I set off on my 5 minute warm up, they run to catch up with me, and then walk while I do my run bit. I find it a lot harder running with my dog as he likes to stop and sniff everything or take a wee, so I'm always slowing down or turning back/stopping to keep an eye on him
Yes, I can see myself doing it as an occasional social thing - but I wouldn't seek out opportunities to run with anyone else. I actually had the opportunity to hand the dog over to someone else on this run - and it is somewhere dogs are supposed to be on the lead and I'd forgotten my hands free dog kit. But she's something of a talisman and I decided I still wanted her along. She seems to understand quite quickly the difference between a 'making progress' walk (or run) on the lead and a 'sniffage' walk - it's another way the warm up walks help as it usually gets the *necessary* excretory stuff out of the way. I do clank with the Muksak, and I always have a little shoulder bag with whistle and treats (warm sausage wrapped in foil is good)